It’s That Time of The Year

Colton Strickler
The Offseason
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2016

That’s right folks, Pro Bowl time is upon us.

That’s probably why your Twitter timeline is full of a bunch of Denver Bronco’s Twitter handles from just about every account you follow (If you’re big into sports).

Don’t believe that technology is changing the way the world operates? The NFL has almost entirely moved to social media when it comes to fan determined All-Star games.

Right now, the Broncos’ Twitter account is pushing hard to get votes for nearly all their starters and why wouldn’t they? A team filled with Pro-Bowlers looks good for the organization and a select number of personnel get a free trip.

The NFL has decided that retweets count as a way to lock in a vote, so as long as the handle is mentioned with the hashtag #ProBowlVote, that vote will be counted towards the player associated with the handle.

That’s why -well, partially why- your Twitter feed is full of nonsense.

