Welcome to The Ollie Blog

Jon McEwen
The Ollie Blog
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2023
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Hey there, fellow internet wanderers. My name is Jon. I’m a co-founder here at Ollie.

Ollie is a social platform that allows you to connect with people doing things that interest you or with people who need your help — like someone who needs help moving or someone looking for a study group to join.

Creating an account is free and only takes a few clicks. Go ahead and try it out here: www.ollieconnect.com

Ollie is a new platform, so you will be part of the initial cohort of users who help the community grow, early adopters, as some would say!

I wanted to introduce you to the official Ollie Blog, where we will share updates about our development roadmap, new features, and any changes users should know about.

With that said, I’m genuinely excited to shepherd Ollie toward growth. The internet stopped being fun at some point, perhaps a long time ago. We created Ollie to help bring back that magic spark of connection that the internet once provided.

Read more about Ollie here:

