The Infrastructure For Trust Is Coming

K.D. Wimberly
The Olympus Post


The Olympus Post XXXIV: March 26th, 2023


Volume 34 of The Olympus Post has arrived!

As many of you are likely aware, the last few weeks have been a bit rocky for our protocol. Many of you have questioned the future of Zeus Finance and how the team desires to move forward with nodes, staking, and governance. However, we want to assure our readers and investors that these challenges have not stopped us from producing positive results.

As with any new and innovative technology, there are bound to be bumps along the road. The journey towards ascending wealth is difficult, but with hard work and perseverance, we know that we reap what we sow. Hard work breeds success. Between price action fighting to float above $.03, rewards being reduced, and the declaration that we are focusing on The Pantheon, many Olympians have found it a bit difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel for Zeus Finance. However, we have been working tirelessly to address these issues and are confident that we will emerge from this period stronger than ever.

Despite these challenges, we remain committed to our vision of creating a decentralized finance suite with a focus on developing the foundations to an ethical marketplace for Web3. We believe that the potential benefits of DeFi are enormous, and we are determined to help bring them to as many people as possible. Adoption will increase, and we guarantee that we will be one of the driving forces for bringing more investors onto the blockchain.

In this volume, we will be sharing updates on the progress we have made in the face of these challenges, as well as insights into our plans for the future. We hope that our readers will find these updates informative and inspiring, and we look forward to continuing to build a brighter future for decentralized finance.

Where We Have Been:

March has been an incredibly exciting and productive month for Zeus Finance as we have made significant progress towards our goals, especially with how much clarity and progress we have made in refining our mission and plans moving forward. We have been working hard to deliver on the promises we have made to our community regarding updates to our dApp, and we are thrilled to report that the new and improved version is in the final stages of implementation.

We understand that the user experience is essential for the success of any DeFi platform, and we have invested a great deal of time and focus into improving the usability and functionality of our dApp. Our team has worked diligently to ensure that our platform is secure, accessible, and user-friendly, and we cannot wait for our community to experience the updated version.

In addition to the updated dApp, the upcoming initial coin offering (ICO) for The Pantheon token (PAN) is a crucial milestone for Zeus Finance, so we have spent a lot of focus on ensuring that it is successful. We believe that it is an excellent opportunity to raise the necessary capital to continue improving our platform and delivering our vision of an ethical decentralized financial ecosystem that is accessible to everyone.

Our team has also made sure that they have been working within any legal and regulatory guidelines to ensure that the ICO complies with all relevant regulations because we are committed to conducting a fair and transparent ICO. Our team strongly believes that the success of the ICO will be pivotal in achieving our long-term goals, and we encourage our community to participate in this exciting venture. Of course, we will be providing more details about the token and the ICO itself in the immediate future.

As we move forward, we remain committed to building a DeFi ecosystem that is user-friendly, accessible, and secure. We are confident that with the continued support of our community, we can continue to deliver innovative solutions that will revolutionize the way people interact with finance. We thank our community for their unwavering support and look forward to sharing more updates on our progress soon.

Where We Are:

The team here at Zeus Finance…we never stop pushing ourselves to deliver on our promises.

To be honest, we stay grindin’ and a volatile market won’t stop us from achieving our goals.

Our team is working hard to build out The Pantheon as our flagship product, producing a significant amount of revenue for Zeus Finance, and creating a protocol that exceeds your expectations. We understand that you’ve placed your trust and capital in us, and we won’t let you down.

And as many of you know, our focus is on creating long-term passive income for our Olympians that’s derived from real yield — profit we share from real revenue that we acquire through the products and services that we offer the industry. We see that this is the key to building a desirable, wealthy, and prosperous Web3 community. Plus, we’re constantly exploring new revenue streams for the protocol, and the potential for growth in the coming months and years is unfathomable. Just think, The Pantheon is foundational infrastructure for Web3. With the adoption of cryptocurrency comes the increased need for quality assurance and transparency, and we are prepared to deliver.

Our team is also committed to improving the user experience and making it easy for everyone to participate in the protocol. We’re redesigning our dApp and providing resources to help users navigate crypto and get the most out of their investments.

So, let’s just say that we’re excited to see both The Pantheon and Zeus Finance continue to grow, fueled by our foundation of wisdom, innovation, and hard work. The future is bright, and we’re confident that our protocol will play a key role in shaping the future of Web3.

Now, check out what is currently going on with the team to ensure our goals continue to be accomplished.

Marketing: We’ve been working very hard to expand our reach and bring more eyes to our protocol.

Our efforts include joining various Twitter Spaces, showing ongoing support for other trustworthy protocols, and delivering valuable content on our social media profiles. But we know that marketing is more than just getting the word out — it’s about building credibility and forging partnerships with other reputable players in the space.

That’s why we’ve been focusing on building relationships with other major protocols, onboarding more users into The Pantheon, and showcasing our commitment to delivering real yield and long-term passive income for our community.

We understand that partnerships with established players in the industry lend us credibility. That credibility is essential for gaining trust and attracting more users to our platform, more members into The Pantheon, and thus providing us with more revenue and therefore, allowing us to share more profit with our Olympians. So while our marketing outreach efforts have been fruitful, we are also working hard to create meaningful partnerships that will help us build a strong foundation for future growth.

We will be releasing articles about Cardinal House and CryptoLink soon! They were delayed due to scheduling conflicts.

The articles are finished and the content will be released as soon it is reviewed by the respective teams and our marketing team finds it beneficial to post.

dApp Redesign & Updates: The dApp is finished and the code is implemented! Right now, we are fixing a few issues in the system, but otherwise, we are expecting a release within the coming days!

This redesign is not going to be released with veZEUS. As of now, we are making a few edits on the veZEUS implementation and have intentions of releasing it after the release of the new dApp design.

Where We Are Going:

Looking towards the future of Zeus Finance, the potential for growth and impact is truly limitless. As we continue to establish ourselves as a major player in the Web3 space, we are setting our sights on creating an ethical marketplace utilizing our QA standard, Aegis.

From the very beginning of developing The Pantheon, we have been focused on providing quality services and products that meet both customer demand and protocol objectives. Our goal has always been to develop and implement a service that provides quality assurance management to protocols that meet a minimum standard of reliability and transparency, demonstrating their ability to consistently provide a reliable product that meets customer and regulatory requirements. As we move forward, we will continue to work towards addressing customer satisfaction through the effective application of our system, including continual improvement and the mitigation of any scams.

Overall, our goal is to provide a trusted and reliable resource for users seeking to engage with projects and organizations within the Web3 space. By having Aegis act as an accreditation standard for crypto, our protocol will help to bring much-needed quality assurance and accountability to Web3, ultimately building confidence and trust among investors, both current and future. With the potential to revolutionize the industry and create a truly ethical marketplace, the future of The Pantheon is bright and full of promise.

Now, you are likely wondering, “Why so much about The Pantheon?”

Zeus Finance has been focusing heavily on The Pantheon, as it is our major product and will be a crucial source of revenue for the protocol. And, since we are doing everything we can to provide real passive income to our Olympians, we have to ensure we have real revenue. We chose to make this our flagship product because we recognize the need for a trusted and reliable resource for users seeking to engage with projects and organizations within the Web3 space. By acting as an accreditation standard for crypto, The Pantheon will help to bring much-needed quality assurance and accountability to Web3.

The Pantheon will be the backbone of Zeus Finance, and it’s essential that we make it a success. By providing quality assurance and accountability to Web3 projects and organizations, we will ultimately help to build a desirable, wealthy, and prosperous Web3 community.

**Alpha: Now, I know that we have talked about this before, but partnerships have been a key strategy for many players in the cryptocurrency and Web3 space. Originally, partnerships would actually help token prices pump because the speculation that came with the partnership, demonstrating the potential value of said partnership. We see that by collaborating with other innovative organizations, projects can leverage complementary strengths to achieve common goals. As a company, we recognize the immense value in building strong relationships with like-minded players in the industry, and we’re constantly seeking out new partnerships to grow our network and expand our reach. We plan on having The Pantheon grow into an immense ecosystem, where everyone is leveraging the value of another.

So, that’s why we’re thrilled to announce our latest partnership with Gauss, a curated layer-1 blockchain that’s poised to revolutionize the industry. With a focus on addressing some of the most pressing issues facing the blockchain space today, including widespread token adoption, fraud prevention, and authentic engagement between users and brands, Gauss is perfectly aligned with our mission to create a more trustworthy, scalable, and user-friendly Web3 ecosystem.

We believe that our partnership with Gauss will be a game-changer for both companies. By working together, we’ll be able to leverage our respective strengths and resources to achieve common goals and establish ourselves as major players in the space. We’re confident that Gauss’s unique technology and vision will complement our own efforts to build a more decentralized and ethical marketplace through The Pantheon, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for our collaboration.

With Gauss set to launch next month, we’re excited to be a part of this next chapter in the evolution of blockchain technology. It seems to be just in time for our ICO launch!

Of course, we will be making an official announcement along with an article about who and what Gauss is, where you can learn a lot more about their protocol and how they fit into The Panthon. If you are interested in learning more about Gauss now, you can check out their Official Website & Whitepaper.

And don’t forget, we are still in contact with some other protocols and intend on truly increasing efforts once The Pantheon ICO Homepage is created and launched, distinctly declaring a call to action! April is going to be an extremely busy month for our team behind the scenes, so do everything you can to support our efforts and share everything on your social media accounts to help spread the word!

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” — Booker T. Washington

