3 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in Your Business

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2018

I know what it’s like to invest in your business and being scared all along the way. Even as a mindset and business coach, I find myself fearful too. Investing isn’t just a money thing, it’s a mental strategy that can be turned into a trick from the enemy. You see, the enemy wants you to think you live in a finite universe, meaning that when you give, it never returns to you.

That is not true at all.

Take a moment and check God’s track record:

When have you ever gone without?

You clearly have Internet access because you are reading this post. That costs money. You have to have a device, whether it’s a computer, phone, or iPad. Those can range between $700-$3000.

You have more than you think you do.

So back to this investment thing…Didn’t you have to invest in some way to have the device you are using? Right! And how is it serving you now? I use my phone to make money in all of my businesses. That $700 investment helps me make thousands of dollars every single day. What a complete blessing?

If a little phone can do that for me, then what could it be that you need to invest in to receive a return? Do you need to pick up the course you’ve been eye balling? Is it the coaching from the person who can help you go to the next level?

It’s not that we don’t have the money. We live in an abundant universe. We have more than enough. The problem lies in us learning how to trust that whatever we put out that it will come back to us. This is a universal law.

So if you are still fearful, do what I did:

Ask yourself why you’re afraid.

Is it the fear of not receiving a return on the investment? Do you not value what you need to invest in? Is it your subconscious beliefs telling you that you are not worthy of the investment?

Decide if the fear is real.

Sometimes, we fear things that are not true. In this case, it could be that we don’t believe we will have the money back in our pockets, or that we live in a limited universe.

State all the benefits of your investment.

What will this investment give you in return? Will it be that you have a new skill? Would you be in a better position to make more money? Is this solving a problem you have had for a while that has been holding you back?

Making the investment is well worth it when you see all that it could mean for you. You’ll be surprised that when you invest in yourself, a fire will light up under your behind to get that money back and some!

Your investment will also do an array of things when it comes to up leveling your business:

  1. You will build your brand and credibility.

Whenever you are first starting your business, you may be afraid to put your own money in it because you may not have it right away. The go to thing would be taking out a loan or using a credit card. Guess what? If you do this, then you are already in a hole. And you may not be able to get any of those in the businesses name in that your business does not have any credit. So guess who will be responsible for it? You.

But there is an upside to this. You can add the business as a part of this to help it gain momentum in establishing credit. In addition, your business will start to be deemed as trustworthy when you make the payments. With that type of skin in the game, it lets your bank know you are serious about making this work. You will become trustworthy and known as someone who didn’t just ask for a handout. You were willing to put in some work.

To be clear, you won’t have to tell everyone this either. They will know it. People recognize those who had to give in order to get. Even more, they will be willing to go the extra mile to help you prosper. They might give you some discounts, promote your business, or even give into what you have started. As a result, your brand and credibility will sky rocket. People will see you as a person, instead of just the business owner. They will know you are tenacious and will do whatever it takes to make your business thrive.

2. Your presence will increase to attract your tribe.

The person who has had to put a lot into their business will become magnetic to their tribe. People will see that and believe they too should invest in what they are doing. It’s a ripple and social effect. When they see your success, know your story, and watch your work, then they will follow the path you took as well.

The investments you make to scale your business are sometimes even more daunting than the first one. I would love to tell you after you invest once that you will never have to do it again. The higher your business goes, the more money you will have to spend out. It’s just the way of success.

Whether you are a brick and mortar or online business, you will want to invest in exposure. People need to know who you are, what you do, and how it will help them. You might spend out more money in marketing and advertising. Yes, it could seem like a complete waste when you don’t see anything coming back in immediately, but if you keep at it, the compounded interest will show up.

3. You will always make 100 fold in what you give out.

Believe and receive it. You can trust the opposite that the money won’t come back, but then you’ll be upset when you get exactly that. So why not choose to believe it is coming back to you with some more wealth and opportunities attached?

With this mindset, you will see an increase in profits if you invest properly. You will learn the dynamics of building something from the ground up, and it will make you conscious of how you handle money. Building a relationship with money is the foundation for success in your business. Don’t think it’s true? Look at all the people who you know have a business. Are they all millionaires? Probably not. It has nothing to do with the length of time they have been in business, or even the type of business they have.

It is the idea they have not tapped into the energy of money flow. They haven’t developed the mindset of living in abundance. Some people chant all day long they don’t have to have money because they are doing what they love. And that is just what they get in return. If you don’t see money as an abundant resource, then you won’t think you are worthy of receiving it.

Remember though, you can’t get a return on what you did not invest in.

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸