4 Simple Ways to Create More Income in Your Business

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2017

Are you tired of struggling to make money in your service-based business? You have created these stellar packages, and maybe you are selling them to clients…but somehow you find yourself in the red at the end of the day.

Look, it doesn’t have to be that way. You can create an influx of income to lighten your burden in business. Each one of these ways you’ll learn about will only have to put in the work one time. Isn’t that simple? From there, you will have to only market actively on occasion (social media, blogs, i.e.) and passively in a consistent manner (sponsored ads). Here are four ways you can do that right now:

Raise Your Prices

It can be really difficult to truly charge your worth. You know you’ve given your heart and soul to your clients day in and day out. Babe, you deserve more than what you’re charging. Stop short changing yourself. I’m not saying raise your prices outside of what your audience would pay. Consider just raising each package price over time.

For example, if you’re premium packages are $1500 for three months of coaching, then upscale that cost to $2000. This isn’t a huge jump, but you’re allowing yourself to breathe a bit more in that you don’t have to bite to have another client so quickly.

Ensure you are adding in something more in exchange for the price increase. Your customers might want to know why there’s a difference in pricing. You can easily let them know they are getting more value. If anything, they are going to get a better person serving them. Worry about money is draining and won’t allow you to be the best version of yourself to give to your clients.

Digital Products

Let’s face it. You’re an expert in your field! No one can do what you do authentically. Someone can truly learn from you. It’s time to put your knowledge inside of an ebook or workbook. Selling premium packages only isn’t always the best route. You’ll be living to get the next client. You need some ease to know you still have money flowing, whether a client is banging on your door or not. More people are willing to buy your digital product to see what’s inside your mind. Through your written works, they can see if you’re the person they would want to work with. Your digital products are your biggest means to creating a source of passive income.

Passive Income

Another way to create income like this is developing courses and a membership program you’re an expert in. There are plenty of ways you can do this with ease. Essentially, you’ll be able to put in a little work to develop content to figure out what your audience would like help with. After that, you can record video and audio training to give to your audience in exchange for a low-end price. You can make it a one time fee that will pay on the front end for the work you’ve put in. Or you can do month to month AFTER you’ve established the front end costs. The month to month price will be much lower, but you have to consider that you depend on your audience to pay you. Turn over rates are high for monthly memberships, but it’s worth it once you’ve built the platform.

Affiliate Marketing

You can collaborate with businesses to start marketing for them. There are plenty for you to choose from. The key is to choose the right ones that your audience would buy from. You can create commission from selling their products using a particular link. All you have to do is get it out to your audience telling them why they need this. It shows that you know the power of working together and how much you care about meeting all their needs.
Bringing in money is easy! But you have to say the right things, think abundantly, and feel the vibration of prosperity. Say these affirmations daily and believe them with your entire being. Watch yourself start to uncover opportunities and limiting beliefs in no time.

Call to Action

If you’re looking to up level your entire life, then go ahead and follow me on Facebook or Instagram for free daily inspiration!



Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸