7 Ways To Kill Your Fear… Before It Kills You

Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2017
  1. Stop Thinking About The Opinions Of Irrelevant People.

Listening to the opinions of others is a VERY effective way of giving fear the power it needs to knock your dreams on the ground as if they’re nothing. No one walking this Earth deserves that multitude of power so don’t give it to them.

2. Don’t Make Excuses For Yourself.

Many times we make excuses for ourselves, for example, “It’s going to take too long,” “I don’t have the money,” or “Nobody is going to like this.” ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES AND GET TO WORK! Building a business and becoming successful takes time! You have to endure and have patience, because all good things take time. As far as the cost of whatever your dream may be… there is always a way to make it happen. It might take a little more patience, but don’t discredit yourself, you already have what you need to make it happen.

3. Think About Your WHY.

Your why should push you to do more and be more. Giving up on the dreams you have does nothing for yourself or others. Ask yourself why you desire to be successful. Your WHY should be your driving force to push through day in and day out.

4. Let The Negativity Go.

Having a negative mindset will literally bring negativity into your life. You are your thoughts, so think positive. Every bad situation has good opportunities in it. You just have to look for them. Whenever you're trying to better yourself negativity will fall into your life as if it lives there. KICK IT OUT!

5. Acknowledge Your Fear.

Acknowledge your fears… BUT DON’T ACCEPT THEM! Figure out what you’re truly scared of and then find a way to destroy that fear and replace it with faith. There will be times when you’re scared of the growth or the success that you could have. Embrace your faith and your passion and be sure to capitalize on it. Your faith and passion is all you have. Without passion, everything will be half done and you probably won’t complete your goals.

6. Ask Yourself: What’s The Worst Thing That Could Happen?

As you think about the worst case scenarios, make sure they are realistic. Everyone isn’t in the position to just drop everything and go, but everyone can plan for their future. Plan, plan, plan, plan. Plan for your future so that you can visualize your success. Some of the most successful people on earth attribute their success to planning and visualization of their goals. Usually the worst that can happen, never happens.

7. Change The Way You Look At Your Fear.

I was reading Tribes by Seth Godin (very good book. Check it out), and He said, “The fear of failure isn’t actually fear of failure at all-it’s fear of criticism.” Do you not want to succeed or are you scared of the way people will talk about you if you don’t succeed? It’s definitely the second one. Hearing people say, “I told you so…” is so confidence damaging and it’ll make you never want to make that jump again. Fear has to be looked at differently. You have to look at your fear as your reason to do it, and it know that sounds crazy but it’s so true. I love when I feel fearful of something positive, that’s how I gauge if I should do it or not. If I am fearful of speaking in front of 50 children about chasing their dreams, I KNOW I NEED TO GET IT DONE! Simple as that. Learn to love your fear and it won’t cripple you.

Follow me on Instagram at @jaida_steele!



Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks

Motivational Speaker. Life Long Entreprenuer. Avid Reader.18 Years Old.