Getting Crystal Clear on Income Consistency

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2017

Have you found yourself waiting grudgingly for your next client to roll in? You were probably doing super well in sales and marketing. Then, it happened… a dry spell. You don’t have to stay there. There are some things you can do right now to revolutionize the consistency of income flowing into your business.

In your business, it’s easy to say you simply want to help people. You desire to help others so much that you might be tempted to do every single thing for free. Here’s where we mess up… We charge clients a price that is lower than the value we are giving out to the world. Don’t be ashamed if you’ve done this because I have too. I charged my clients by the hour. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to make your clients feel comfortable. If what you’re offering is truly going to transform your client’s lives, then your price should shake them up a bit. It serves as a wake-up call.

To bring in clients on a daily basis, there are two core principles you should implement — constant continuity and effortless promotion.

Tools for Freedom

1. Constant Continuity

If you choose to charge by the hour, you might as well stick with the 9–5 route. There’s nothing wrong with it, but I’m sure you started a business because you didn’t want to just work a 9–5 anyway. Be mindful in how you bring in your income. The easy mindset says “Let’s just price it low, so someone will just buy it already!” This is a trap. In the end, you will shoot your self in the foot because you know your product or services are invaluable.

Start off your business with a complete package for your clients. With the package, you can offer all of your content for a set rate that allows you to breathe for a few months. You have to consider setting your numbers where you can give yourself fully to your clients for at least three months so that they can experience a real transformation in your program. Quick, low priced sells do not keep your clients engaged as long. You want them to keep coming back to you long after they have submitted the payment.

Let’s say your monthly goal was to bring in $10,000. Think about surviving over three months, which would allow you $30,000 as your total. Well, you may charge $2500 for your services or automated products. You will need 12 clients to meet that goal. This is doable! There are people out there who want what you have to offer. It is imperative that you know who those people are. Get clear on how you can work to attract them to your packages.
You might not feel quite ready to charge a high amount when you are just starting off. So, a month to month plan might be in your best interest. You have various options in doing this. You could create a group to have access to products and services that change each month. This allows you to bring in new members on a consistent basis who are not ready to make a huge investment, BUT that will certainly get them begging for more of your content! That is how you can transition to those big investments to build your account.

You may also want to consider making some digital products that could sell as passive income. This could be an ebook, social media cheat sheets, goal setting forms, or anything else your audience desires to have. The key to keeping this going is ensuring the process is automatic, and the promotion is effortless.

2. Effortless Promotion

So many people believe you have almost kill yourself promoting your business in what you do. No! You can sit back and relax in a feminine energy. I am not saying there is no masculine energy needed to build your business like advertising and marketing. That has its place. I am talking about sitting back and watching your product sell itself. There’s no need in spending thousands in advertising if you don’t believe in the product yourself. The truth is, people don’t buy products, they buy you and the solution to their problems. When you place your product or service in that category, they are more likely to purchase what you are offering.

There are two quick ways you can promote with as little effort as possible:

-Social Media is your friend.

Find different groups on Facebook that have a need for what you are selling. Be strategic about it because everyone is not your ideal client. There is no way you should be selling a $2500 package on business coaching to someone who is only passionate about their current job. They won’t see the value in it, and you will ultimately waste your time.

Instagram is a wildly successful platform as well. You can easily bring in your crowd through utilizing the right hashtags and words that hit home for your audience. The platform has made it easy to get all of your information out there with allowing you to provide a link connecting to your domains.

-Free Opt-in Products for Email Exchange

Who doesn’t like a freebie? Put the message out there on your social media platform that if they provide their email address, they could receive your prized content for free. That is almost too simple! What you are providing could be a digital product or live webinar. Both ways place you as the connecting factor in bringing a potential client in quite frequently. Why? It’s because you can send them a follow-up email, send out some powerful words to encourage them in their journey, or even share what you’re doing in your business. This connectivity can be AUTOMATED. Why should you have to keep rewriting the same things? Set up at least four different emails that will go out to your prospective client, but spread them out over time. It can start to feel a bit spammy after a while. Within that time, you are giving them an opportunity to breath and decide for themselves if they want to invest in what you have to give.

Do yourself a favor. Relax. It doesn’t have to be that difficult to bring in the income you desire in your business. Balance out the energies you put into what you are doing. Know when it is time to GRIND and when it is time to be FREE. The money will come rolling in.

Call to Action

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸