How Knowing My Client’s Brand Culture Worked to Help Me Close 25k of Sales in a Matter of Minutes

Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2018

First published on Linkedin on 5/21/18.

Sometimes you have to take a moment to realize just how many skills you have that you often overlook. That’s right. As I sit here and think back to how many times I’ve told myself “I don’t want to sale” or “I am not a salesperson,” I have to laugh because I am always selling. I worked as a part of a sales team this past weekend, and I alone closed 25.5k of sales in under fifteen minutes. That’s a significant accomplishment for someone who doesn’t like to sale, right?

I’ve always been keen on knowing and understanding my client’s brands and the culture they desire to create within their brands because I know the power behind brand culture. No matter what capacity I serve in when working with my clients, my overarching goal is always to keep my hand on the pulse of their brand. I could be performing VA services, helping them develop their signature offering, crafting a PR plan for their upcoming book or serving on their event sales team. No matter what I do, my focus is to master the part of their business that attracts their ideal clients — and that means, I focus on their brand culture. Branding is more than just a website and a logo. It’s about service, emotional connection, and loyalty. Well, instead of my success because I helped my client exceed their sales goals, I’d like to share a few reasons why knowing your clients brand culture as if it is yours helps create more wins.

As a service provider, I’ve had to come to the understanding that in my company, we have to keep up with being the best in what we do. In the eyes of our clients, we are an extension of them and a part of their team. Clients of my clients don’t need to know that we are not employees nor do they need to know that it is not my client who is performing a job for them. They need to know that work is being done and it is being done in full service to provide a stellar experience for all who are involved.

When I was asked to be a part of the sales closing team for my client’s event, I had reservations. I knew that I knew the product well, and I knew that I knew my client’s expectations and the expectations of the potential clients. What I didn’t realize was that the sales closing process in action would spark a fire in me! From the first prospect that sat on my table until the last, I allowed my natural excitement to see people win to take over. I realized that it wasn’t about the product I was selling; it was about the results. People who sat before me wanted results, and my job was to remind them that investing in themselves would prove to be life-changing. My client’s brand culture, akin to mine, is about guaranteeing results.

People don’t want to be sold to; they want to be reassured. And when I work, I remind myself of my own company’s pillars of branding that ensure success — service, connection, and loyalty. I kept providing service at the forefront of my mind, I made authentic relationships with every person I met, and I remained loyal to my values as well as the values of my client’s brand. This alone sealed the deal.

If you want to ensure that your clients are satisfied with the service you provide for them and that they trust you to help build their businesses and brands like no other, learn the ins and outs of their companies and their brands. Operate in excellence at all times, and you cannot go wrong.

If you need the assistance of my team of experts who can help you develop a winning brand culture that is profitable, visit us online at or just send me a direct message today.

I am a Brand Communications Specialist who happens to be a millennial and the owner of The Official Maleeka Group, LLC. I’ve written for Huff Post, Essence Magazine Online, Forbes, and more. To read more of my work, go to Also, follow me on Instagram and Twitter at @OfficialMaleeka.



Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks

Award-Winning Publicist • Brand Communications Entrepreneur • 3x Best-Selling Author • Millennial Thought Leader