How to Manifest More Abundance into Your Life Quickly

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

Let’s face it, we all want more money. It doesn’t make you greedy or a horrible person because you desire to have more.

Stop saying, “oh, I don’t need money to make me happy” because in reality you do. You need money in exchange for an experience that would change your life. Without money, you could not eat or have a roof over your head. You would not be able to take vacations and go shopping.

If you have found yourself saying negative comments about money like:

  • “I’m always broke.”
  • “I never have enough money.”
  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Then that is exactly why you don’t have any money.

Just like anything else we want on this earth, we have to form a relationship with it. Money is no different. If you want more of it, then you need to appreciate and affirm it so that it will feel comfortable coming into your life.

Think about it for a second. Why in the world do we have money anyway?

Before there was actual printed money, we traded apples for oranges. For example, if a farmer wanted a cow, then they would give away two sheep in its place. Do you see how confusing that could be? I mean, how much is a cow really worth?

That’s why we started to use the currency exchange of money to put a price tag on things. So essentially, money is a man-made resource, while abundance is the spiritual manifestation of having more money.

To attract abundance in the form of money, you are going to have to change up a few things in your subconscious mind:

First, you will need to clear up limiting beliefs you may have around money. The statements I wrote above are just a few examples of what people say to make their money story even worse. Once of the biggest mistakes people make is finding a reason why people are better with money than they are. They’ll say things like “They have more money because they went to school. Their parents always took care of them. They were born into wealth. They got into the right business.”

Here’s the thing, there are no perfect life stories to manifest wealth. There are people I know who were born into money but lost it all. On the contrary, there are people who were brought into this world poor, like myself, and have been on the come up. The key is to realize that abundance comes to anyone who wants to receive it. There is no magical formula for you to create more money in your life.

Up next, you will need to create a new money story. Your old story is one of lack. Take the time to write down what your previous relationship was with money.

Did you always overspend?

Were you told that only bad people have a lot of money?

Did you get yourself into debt?

Whatever your story is, you can change it. You have to take the time to acknowledge that this is a part of your past. Forgive yourself entirely.

Now it’s time for you to see that money is right there to have. It is yours. You were created to enjoy the earth, and everything in it. That includes money to do the things you love and are most passionate about. Tell yourself that you deserve to have a good life. You no longer have to live pay check to pay check. Money is on its way to you right now.

Now you need to know what you really want and why when it comes to money. You have to create a purpose for money. If the money doesn’t know what it is being used for, then it will not want to come to you.

So why do you want to make the extra $10,000?

What do you want to use it for?

Write out a list of the exact dollar amount you would like to spend that totals up to the amount you said you wanted. Meditate on this daily. Something magical is going to stir within you. That is called MASSIVE ACTION. You are going to want to do more to bring that money to you with your intuitive ideas.

So, affirm that the money is on the way. Affirmations give you the power to release subconscious blocks you might have around a certain area. By consistently proclaiming you have plenty of money, your ideas make you money easily, and that money comes to you consistently, your brain is starting to believe that is true. It’s not something you can just do one time and expect results. You are going to have to program these babies into your head every single day.

Along with affirming your money, open yourself up to receive it in different ways. Take the time to write out a list of how your money could come to you. Would it be for a service you provide? Maybe someone is going to give you a gift. It could even be that a check is coming to you in the mail. This frees up the resistance that you truly can get money in an abundance of ways.

Be sure stay in the spirit of expectancy. If doubt starts to creep in because you haven’t seen any results so far, remain grateful in all circumstances. Look around you and find the abundance in everything. Write it all down. Think about how much the device you are using costs. It’s yours, right? That’s a lot of money you are holding in your hand! What about the cost of the clothes you are wearing? You are more wealthy than you think.

Call to Action

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸