How to Manifest the Relationship of Your Dreams and Keep It

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2018
Healthy and happy relationships are available to everyone.

If you grew up in a community where fathers and husbands were almost non-existent, then you might find it difficult to find love for yourself. You may have had some relationships in the past, but they never seem to work out. Maybe you felt like they were not a good fit after a while. Or you outgrew them. Like me, you could have been madly in love, ready to be married, and find yourself completely heartbroken after a disgusting breakup not ready to give love a try ever again.

You feel cursed.

Like love is not something you are supposed to have because it never works out for you.

The truth is that love is really available for everyone, but very few are equipped to embrace it. Subconsciously, we can repel love without knowing it through our thoughts, words, and actions.

Have you ever found yourself thinking or saying things like “I don’t need a partner because I can do it all on my own!”? You might even do things like stay in all the time, not opening yourself up to meeting new people. Or you hold back from speaking to the good-looking guy across the room because you don’t believe it could ever work out. The universe picks up on these signals and gives you exactly what you have given energy to. You are carrying the energy that you are not ready for love.

I’m here to tell you that becoming energetically attractive for a relationship takes intentional work and development. It doesn’t just suddenly happen. Your inside has to radiate love, safety, and trust in order for your soulmate to connect with you. Here are four ways you can powerfully manifest the partner of your dreams faster than you imagined:

  1. Write down exactly what you want in a relationship.

There are very few people that can tell you what they wish to have in a partner. They typically focus on the external things like money, jobs, and homes. Yes, your partner should have established solid things for themselves. However, the only way they can truly have anything good is if they have the character to maintain it. Your partner will have to be well-balanced in all areas of their lives. This is probably the reason why you may have had failed relationships in the past because you put your focus on them thriving only in one to two areas.

When writing down what you want in a relationship, cover details as to what that would look like.


What are their spiritual practices?

How do you want this to affect you?

Will you all share this practice together?


How do they respond to challenges?

What motivates them?

What type of personal development do they participate in?


How do they look?

How do they take care of themselves?

How healthy are they?


What do their finances look like now?

How serious are they about achieving growth?

How are they building wealth in their business or career?


How open are they in a relationship?

How do they respond and connect with you?

Are you an emotional priority for them, and how do they show it?

2. Be willing to let go of your list.

Yes, you have just made this incredible list of everything you want, but I am telling you to not look at it every single day. People become so obsessed with their lists that they repel people who could actually become the person on the list. Truthfully, you may not get everything on that list. We are all a work in progress and will need time to grow. Putting your list to the side shows God you are free to receive the greatest and highest good for your life. It shows that you trust Him more than anything. This level of trust is a powerful tool for you to have exactly what you wanted.

3. Embody being in the relationship now.

Most people wait around and decide not to be happy until the relationship comes. This is showing the universe that you are not ready for it to appear in your life. Holding off on your happiness is unattractive and stops you from moving forward towards manifesting your partner. You have to purposefully be better than you have ever been in your entire life. Something about you will become so magnetic, and almost like a gravitational pull, that your partner will hurry themselves to you, without you trying to “make it happen”.

The joy you feel, even though you are alone, is what you ultimately want to experience while you are in a relationship. Here’s the key — act like you are already in the exact relationship you want. Take yourself on lunch dates and pretend you are out with them. When you are driving down the road alone, strike up a conversation with your partner and imagine what they would say back to you if they were already here. Buy yourself some roses, 2 glasses, and wine. Appreciate yourself for buying it and act like your partner did it.

Does all of this sound crazy? Yes, but it works!

You are putting yourself in the energy of already having it. You are not desperate for it. It is yours now.

4. Open yourself up to meeting your partner at any moment.

This is the biggest flaw I have when it comes to relationships. I am really shy to meeting new people because I was always the girl every guy wanted. It is sometimes difficult to be the center of attention. I can remember a guy telling me that I was “finer than wine” in my college cafeteria. He was so loud, everyone heard him. I was beyond embarrassed. This led me to avoid guys at all costs subconsciously. No, I didn’t hide under a rock, but I wasn’t allowing myself to be in new places where my soulmate could be.

Go out and be open to finding your partner anywhere in the world. They could be right under your nose, and you wouldn’t even know it because you won’t look up. Try new places and even dating apps. You never know where love can find you.

So you’ve finally found the person you have been dreaming of, but you are scared as ever that it isn’t real?

If I am quite honest, I am at this point as well myself. It’s easy to get what you want, but I am going to be clear with you on how to keep it.

It is important that you understand the intentional, internal work is not done. Your soul has never been in something that is so pure. You may have the urge to run away from the good you have attracted. Breathe. It’s safe for you to have a beautiful relationship full of love and powerful energy. You are allowed to be happy and free with someone who adores you.

To keep the relationship going, acknowledge that you have a fear of losing it. Then ask yourself is this fear real. Most of the time, the fear is not real at all. You are worrying yourself about something happening that isn’t even manifesting into the earth. Shift your thoughts to see that good things are possible for you to have. Program your beliefs with affirmations like:

Healthy and beautiful relationships are normal for me.

I am allowed to be in a romantic relationship that makes me happy.

It is safe for me to give my all in this relationship.

This relationship is going to last forever.

Now, be sure to indulge in self-love practices to stay emotionally attractive. Putting all of your energy into this person will drain them if you are not careful. Fill your own cup up by taking time to yourself. Run your bubble bath and relax with a good book. Get your hair and nails done at the spa. Prioritize your dreams and goals daily. Do what truly makes you internally and externally happy. Your partner will see that you really are the catch they thought you are.

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸