How to Raise Your Vibes When You’re Having a Rough Day

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2018

Right now, I want you to stop telling yourself that something is wrong with you if you wind up having a bad day. It is ok to feel low vibe. This happens to every single person under the sun. Before you go any further, be sure your lowered vibes isn’t because of you not taking care of yourself.

Are you drinking enough water and eating well?

Are you practicing self-care?

Are you setting boundaries to be the best version of yourself?

If you are not doing any of those things, take the time to do them right now. This will instantly make you feel better. Remember, you do not have to be high vibe in order to manifest exactly what you desire. We are not asked by God to be perfect. He just wants us to make the effort to do our best.

If you have done these things mentioned above, then we have to look at some other alternatives for you. Applying these quick strategies below will have you high vibe again and back on track to your normal, happy self.

Distract Yourself

Yes, turn your attention to something else that has nothing to do with how you feel. Watch your favorite videos. Go outside in nature. Play your favorite game. Read a book. Do whatever will take your energy off of the fact that you aren’t yourself right now. Take the pressure off of being perfect.

Decrease the Level of Importance of Your Desire

Sometimes, you might have low vibes in that your desire has not entered into the earth yet. Your desire is not really that important. Understand it should not be put on a pedestal. You and your desire are on the same vibrational plane. That means it is already here with you. It is normal for you to have what you want. Meditate on it.

Listen to Your Favorite Music

Make a playlist that aligns with the vibration you want to feel. If you want to attract love, then bust out songs that take you to the place of feeling like it already exists in your life. Or even if you want to focus on getting your money flow up, the play the Cardi B and dance all over!

Call a Friend

Text messages are so overrated. It’s important to have actual communication with the people you love. Share the good things you have going on and listen to their wins. You will be so happy for them that you will forget about your vibe being low for the day.

Write Out a Gratitude List

One of the most infamous tools is channeling in on the good things you have now. This is the list that will save you from drowning in complaints. Zone in on the things you actually hold in your physical realm now — air to breathe, the functionality of your limb, Internet to read this article, a roof over your head. But then express gratitude for the things you want as if they are already yours. Tap into the energy of seeing them in your mind to make them real for you. This vibe changer will push you to get happy immediately.

Get Physical Exercise

Low vibes, including feelings of depression, are linked to staying in the same physiological state for entirely too long. You have to make it a priority to move your body every single day. Go for a walk or even a run. Working out in the gym is good for you too. As you change your physical state, you will force yourself to breathe deeply. The deep breaths you take force you to have an increased blood flow, which makes clarity and a higher vibe easier to attain.

Practicing these vibe changers daily will keep you way up, even when you feel down.

Call to Action

If you’re looking to up level your entire life, then go ahead and follow me on Facebook or Instagram for free daily inspiration!



Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸