I Control What I Can Control & Let the Rest Fall

Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2016

Ever since I was little, I liked order and I liked to be in control of things. I always had this feeling that if I didn’t keep an eye on everyone and everything around me, it would all mess up. I still have this problem ….occasionally…a lil bit…I mean, from time to time. BUT I had to learn to control what I could control and let the rest just fall! I had to learn that the only thing that I could control is myself. And for everyone else, they have the same responsibility. For example, I can only control how much I study for my finals. I can’t control the format my teacher decides to test us in even if it does make the whole class fail.

You see this picture? This is how I’ll be feeling next week during finals…

As a senior in high school, the temptation to try to float my way to graduation is too real. Senior-itis is coming down on me in the worst way! But graduation is the goal, so I have to push myself to keep going.

You see, us millennials are social media advocates. And some of us gauge our whole lives based on how many followers we have or how many “likes” our best selfie gets. We can control how many times we post, but we can’t control how our followers react to it. And that’s where the fun part starts, well at least for me it does.

Now I’m no control freak, but I love for things to play out in real life just as I plan them to in my mind. Usually, when I can do things the way I want them to be done, they turn out well. Asking for help is not my thing but I’m learning that I can’t do everything.

Lately, I’ve been letting the rest just fall. I have been able to avoid so much stress and aggravation since I’ve let go the things that are beyond my control. Oh my gosh, it’s absolutely wonderful! I don’t care if people get mad, and I don’t care if I lose things. I’ve just become more carefree than I already was, except this time, I’m carefree in a much more productive and efficient way. I no longer worry about my progress and how I handle the situations I’m in. I am careful but I don’t worry.

A lot of times I feel as if I have blinders on simply because I’m not worrying about the things I have no control over. My blinders keep me focused. My journey is really just beginning in life and I’m happy to be able to live and learn. As a matter of fact, that’s life! We live, we learn, and in the end, we get over it. :)

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Instagram: @Jaida_Steele



Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks

Motivational Speaker. Life Long Entreprenuer. Avid Reader.18 Years Old.