Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017


My Day Was Going Wrong Until I Did This…

Photo Cred: Kim Honora

It’s very rare that I have a bad day. Yes, I have plenty of “bad” moments throughout any given day, but it’s not a typical thing for me to say that I had a bad day.

Well, this morning, I woke up a little later than I originally planned. And when finally did leave the house, my 45-minute drive took me almost two hours because I drove 20 minutes in the wrong direction…due to not paying attention and being lost in my thoughts.

I could not help but think, “It’s going to be one of THOSE days…” and right before I let that toxic thought sink in, my inner being reminded me of something… “You have the power to choose what kind of day you’ll have…”
This stopped my mind from racing, dreaming up the millions of things that could go wrong before my first client call at noon. All of a sudden, I remembered! I forgot to ask God to order my day! This is one of my non-negotiables and today, being too focused on catching up on lost time, I skipped a step.

Right then and there, while I was exiting off 75 South headed for downtown, I began to send up a prayer of covering — for my day, and for those I am assigned to impact and influence on today. After I said “Amen,” I laughed. I knew that skipping something so crucial as asking for divine direction for my day caused my inner self to go off kilter for a bit. And while it’s not the norm for me, it may be for someone else.

So, my recommendation to all who read this is to take a moment to slow down. When starting your day, don’t skip steps.

Make your bed.

Read something inspirational.

Listen to something that makes you laugh.

Give gratitude for a new morning.

Don’t pick up your phone until you absolutely have to.

And don’t forget to choose to have a great day.




Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks

Award-Winning Publicist • Brand Communications Entrepreneur • 3x Best-Selling Author • Millennial Thought Leader