The Power of a Picture

Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2017
Photo Credit: Kim Honore

A few weeks ago, I made the decision to invest in my professional image. Not that I was unhappy with my look, but I knew that with the growth and expansion I am experiencing, I needed to make sure that my image matched.

I had been telling myself that as soon as I lost fifty pounds or settled on a long-tem hair style, I’d get my photos updated. And then, I changed my mind. I looked in the mirror and asked myself why I was putting off soemthing so simple-something that has the capability of breathing new life into my business. I could not answer. All I know is that I wanted to “look” perfect…and that desire, held me back for a long time.

As images from my photographer came through my Dropbox, I was ecstatic! I barely recognized myself and that’s a good thing.

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The person in the pictures looked confident, poised, happy and powerful. All the things I wanted my image to possess came forth through someone else’s camera lens. I saw what the photographer saw. I saw what the videographer on set saw. I saw a woman who was comfortable in her on skin.

When I shared a few of the pictures, my “followers” gave compliment after compliment. And when I shared the video, reviews were astounding!

All I can say is, never underestimate the way others see you. Gladly accept compliments and don’t be afraid to give some back. When you smile, make sure it is sincere…you never know whose lens is capturing your life.



Maleeka T. Hollaway
The OMG Speaks

Award-Winning Publicist • Brand Communications Entrepreneur • 3x Best-Selling Author • Millennial Thought Leader