When I Realized I Hate My First Love...Jordans

Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2016

Okay, I must confess: I currently have over 50 pairs of shoes, and yes, majority of them are Jordan’s. But that’s not my problem. I have all of these shoes and I barely wear them!

When I was younger everything was about buying the new Js, bright and early on Saturday morning. I would do anything I could just to get the $100- $200 I needed to buy my the newest Jordans! As I have gotten older and my knowledge has expanded on many different topics, I’ve come to the conclusion that Jordans are a waste of my hard earned money.

Here are a few reasons why I now HATE that I have so many Js:

  1. A pair of Jordans cost around $16 to produce, meanwhile we pay $150-$250, and sometimes, more than that to wear them. WE ALL ARE BEING PLAYED BY NIKE. THE PROFIT THEY MAKE IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! Why is it that WE break our necks to get these shoes, but have to create a Go Fund Me to bury our loved ones?
  2. For literally half the price that it takes to purchase one pair of Jordans, we can take an accounting fundamentals class or any type of personal enrichment class. That’s the difference between a liability (material objects) and an asset (knowledge).
  3. I found myself obessing over the idea of spending $3 for a meal, but easily handing over hundreds of dollars for a pair of shoes (just thinking about it makes my stomach growl).

Us millennials have a hard time realizing that material things are simply just not that important. Keeping up wiht the next person takes too much money and too much time! But unfortunately, we flock to all that glitters and run from anything that resembles hard work. That’s a part of of society that needs to change. We have too many people existing instead of living and too many people relying on the apporval of others to feel validated by material things.

I’ve learned that one of the most resourceful tools I can possess is the knowledge of making good financial decisions. I haven’t been on this earth long, but I’ve seen enough to know that your finances will manage you if you do not manage them first.

Let’s educate ourselves so we don’t fall into the trap of being the best dressed person around that has a savings account that looks like a dry well.

Lookin fly in the dreaded Js

I’d rather look broke and be wealthy. Not that we should not have the things we desire, but we should make sure our desires do not rule our money habits.

But hey, I’m just Jaida and I’m just starting out…so how much could I really know?

Follow me on Instagram at @jaida_steele ! And let me know what you think…



Jaida Steele
The OMG Speaks

Motivational Speaker. Life Long Entreprenuer. Avid Reader.18 Years Old.