Why You Should Be More Concerned with Compounded Interest than Immediate Gratification

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

The person who consistently plants the most seeds, waters them the most, and kills the weeds the most has a better garden than anyone else.

In thinking about the quote I wrote above, I truly believe my generation struggles with this the most. There are people now who become famous almost instantaneously online. It’s a craze to be famous the most quickly. When the truth is that it does take time to truly build something strong and long-lasting.

What I really want you to gain from this article is that if you are aspiring for a high level of success, I want you to calm down with getting massive results immediately. Just because you made one post on social media doesn’t mean that people are going to run and buy whatever you are selling. Singing one song doesn’t mean it’s a hit record. These things take time. What you should be concerned most about is the compounded interest of your investment.

Instead of looking at gaining immediate progress, look at each action towards your dreams as a planted seed, or even like a penny. As you deposit one action in daily, it’s going to compound. The more you do that action, the more the return will compound. Without compounded interest, you would only get back what you put in. Is that all you really want?

There’s more to be had in success if we would be patient. When we try to speed things up, we miss out on immense chances to have the best.

One of the greatest examples I can think of is when people suddenly hit the lottery. Statistically, they usually go broke within a short period of time. They were not equipped to handle that much money. There were no strategies in place or purpose for what the money would be used for. Or even when relationships are rushed, and you wonder who this person was all along. You didn’t take the time to pay attention to the signs. Those “immediate results” ended your relationship prematurely, and now you have to pick up the pieces.

So why does compounded interest matter in success?

It will allow you to have sustained success long after everyone else is gone.

Think about Beyonce. She started performing at age five, and she is still going at thirty-six. People do not last for thirty-one years doing what they love. But what makes her story unique is that she was not instantly famous. It took her years before she became the queen we know today. Beyonce had doors shut in her face just like the rest of us on the climb to success.

But guess what?

She kept showing up when the first Destiny’s Child broke up and the second one. She continued to sing as a soloist and has made a huge name for herself. You couldn’t imagine what all she has been through behind the scenes, but still keeps going.

Being successful requires you to be consistent and overly faithful. It’s doing the things you said you wanted to do when the feelings have passed.

Another key is putting in more work than anyone else. Queen Bey? She might pop up on Instagram showing us her latest photo shoot, fashion trends, projects, and Blue Ivy. But trust me, she has been putting in the work. I’m talking dancing in her heels until her toes are bleeding. Staying up all night when everyone else is sleep to manifest her dreams.

Kobe Bryant was also notorious for this as well. While his teammates slept until the start of their 8:00am practices, he had already had one practice completed between 4:00am — 6:00am. I know you might be thinking “why in the world would he do that?” And that’s exactly why there is only one Kobe Bryant. People aren’t willing to put in that extra time. Sure, his body was probably a little more tired during that first team practice, and let’s not forget they had another practice in the afternoon. But all he cared about was having the advantage of improving himself for the longevity of his team and career. It was all worth it to him?

Is it worth it to you?

Whatever you are working towards, you have to see the value it would bring to your life and be willing to wait for it at all costs. If that means you have to wake up earlier than everyone else, make huge sacrifices, or whatever else, know that it will all pay off. Within no time, all the hard work you have put in will out picture itself and become your reality.

As you are building your compounded interest, focus on progress as opposed to perfection. You will not have it all together. There will be gradual increase, substantial increase, and sometimes none at all. Measure progress by what you are putting in, not always what you are getting out. Take the time to be proud of your accomplishments and know that you are really trying. Reflect frequently and know that whatever you want is on the way. Instant does not mean sustained. You want to keep what you have by becoming the best person to maintain it.

Call to Action

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸