Why Your Desires Matter More Than Your Goals

Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2018

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

If you are an ambitious person, you could probably share what your goals are immediately in any general conversation. You probably have them written down somewhere or even in your phone. But do you know what your truest desires are and why you have them?

When Tony Robbins stated the quote above, I wonder if people realized what the “invisible” really is. The invisible is the desire of your heart. It’s your truth of why you were put onto this earth. Having a desire is not selfish, which is what society may label you as for going after what you really want.

Your desires birth your purpose in life. When you manifest your desires, you are able to accomplish great works.

For me, I have two huge desires that set my soul on fire. One of them is to have a marriage and children that change the way people see the structure of families. I want my family to be the prime example of what it’s like to have major success, but hold true to our values. My second desire is to be the wealthiest woman in the world. I plan to use my wealth to have a positive influence on decisions made in this world to change people’s lives for the better.

Here’s a picture of the desires I have showing the purpose of them.

So where do desires come from?

Desires come from God.

He places certain wishes in your heart that no one else may have. The reason for that is so that you have a special work to complete while you are here on earth. If you don’t act on that desire, and just focus on making goals to fit into a “norm”, then you are robbing yourself of fulfillment.

Psalms 37:4 says “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.”

Taking delight means finding peaceful trust in God, knowing that He will take good care of you.

And yes, when you rest in Him, you will have whatever you want.

The desires we hold in our hearts must have a road map to manifestation in the earth. This is why we turn those desires into specific and actionable goals that we can measure to see how much progress we are making.

Many people set goals just to feel good about themselves. Usually, the goals are quite vague and don’t have any real meaning behind them. These types of goals would typically include:

  • Lose weight
  • Get married
  • Make more money

“Vague goals produce vague results.” — Jack Canfield.

Goals set like this are least likely to produce impact in your life and those around you. Desires are not meant to just make you feel good. They should light up everyone around you externally and internally.

The invisible is the spiritual realm that people cannot see, but your goals make it so that every can see your desires.

In terms of making goals from your desires, you have to work backwards:

  • Start with your big vision. Take at least 10 to 20 minutes per day thinking about what your desire looks, feels, smells, tastes, and sounds like.
  • Write this exact picture down or record it. Listening to it will help you find inspired ideas to act on next.
  • Decide your top five action ideas and write them with an action verb in front of them.
  • Set out to achieve those action goals within a specific time frame.
  • Ask for help when you need it. The right mentorship or coaching will 100 time you results. They have made mistakes and can show you how to avoid them.
  • Review your goals and make changes when you need to.

This process will help you to achieve just about anything if you are committed to putting in the work. The real work is done when it seems like your desire is not coming to pass.

When you start to feel discouraged, seek one thing only — PROGRESS.

Reflect on how far you have come. This will keep you motivated and inspired.

Seek the vision of your desire if it were manifested today.

This will push you to get up out of bed when you don’t feel like it.

You’ll make the phone calls and put yourself out there because you can’t shake your desires. They are a part of who you are.

It would be easy for me to just settle for any relationship, or I could have kept my job as a teacher. I had a pretty good life.

But when I think about my desires, lesser than relationships won’t manifest my truest desires. I start to think deeply about who my children will have as a father. If I don’t look up to them now as an example, I know without a doubt that my babies wouldn’t either.

Working for someone else for the rest of my life will not build wealth for another four generations. It may help my children, but that isn’t enough for me. I want an empire that will have the power to do something for the people longer after my children are gone.

We all have tough days and want to quit.

What keeps us going is our desires and the why behind them.

Call to Action

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Jasmine L Thomas-Bridges, Ed. S.
The OMG Speaks

I help creative, soulful entrepreneurs scale from $0-$100k/year with spiritual energetics✨💸