An Enriching Conversation with Rajat Nair

Working at the Mylan (European Biologics Team) & a Recent Trinity College Graduate


Having spent 4 years at the Trinity College (Dublin), Rajat elaborates on his journey, choice of subjects (immunology & neuroscience), eminent professors, how he availed internships, life in Dublin and how he overcame his personal struggles. He’s currently working at Mylan (European Biologics Team) and has interned at notable firms. Back in 2014, he got a full-scholarship from the Trinity College(needless to say, he had topped the ISC exams in his school too). Throughout his undergraduate studies, he’s played a crucial role in social ventures like India Forwards and Shave or Dye. Five minutes of your time is all that it takes, to learn so much from someone as charismatic and optimistic as him!

P.S. This interview is ver special to Sukriti Paul especially since they were born and brought up together ❤

About Rajat👱‍♂️🔬

  • Interned at Eli Lilly and Company
  • Interned at Zumutor Biologics
  • Scholarship Coordinator and Head of Education Wing at India Forward.
  • Spearheaded causes like Shave or Dye, for Cancer patients. Raised over €7,000.
  • Full scholarship for his undergraduate studies at the Trinity College, Dublin.

The Interview Session : Part 1

Questions Covered ✨

  • Trinity College is pioneering in Immunology. What were the other reasons for selecting this, despite having an option of taking up medical or other branches at Trinity?
  • We all know how our education system is primarily focused at engineering or medical entrances. Keeping this in mind, what are the challenges you faced during your undergrad application phase ?
  • How did you benefit from the interdisciplinary system of education in Trinity?
  • Can you name some eminent profs and labs, in your field, at Trinity?
  • Which aspect of neuroscience intrigues you?
  • What part of your current role at the European Biologics Team at Mylan Mylan do you enjoy the most?
  • As an immunology student, did you ever feel the lack of opportunities? How do students usually avail internship opportunities at Trinity?
  • You received a scholarship while joining Trinity. What sort of part-time work did you have to do along-side your classes?
  • What did you work on, as a process biologist intern at Eli Lilly and Company?
  • You have played a crucial role in organizations like India Forward and causes like the Shave or Dye Fundraiser. What drove you to take up such ventures in high school and how did the experience benefit you?
  • Can you tell us a little more about the Ido Portal Movement and how the cause resonates with you? (for all the fitness freaks :P )
  • Is there any event at Trinity, that is etched in your memory?
  • Have you had a turning point personally or professionally?
  • What is your advice to undergrad students who wish to apply to colleges in Ireland?

Tidbits 🌟

This interview is an eye-opener when it comes to the importance of interdisciplinary learning and scope in domains like immunology or neuroscience. According to Rajat, its alright to ‘figure things out’ and choose the path less taken if that’s where you find your calling. We love the way in which explained the kind of projects his friends and profs are working on, and a transformation to give back to the community, after losing his father. You’ll get familiar with some jargon like T cells and C cells ;)

