Food Review :: Massive, as eccentric as diverse, cosmopolitan adventure true to its name — Brooklyn Central

The Open Art Project
The Open Art Project
8 min readJul 8, 2016


From about twenty four thousand restaurants serving haute cuisines, from ubiquitous and thriving cultures from around the world of trattorias, coffee shops, food trucks and diners; NYC is definitively the most exciting city to be when it comes to food.

The city, is as unique as its accent. From the most recognised dialect around the globe, there lives the true Brooklynese, talking animatedly of the city of their present and future — Nu Yawk, it is a food enthusiast’s dream come alive.

But why am I talking suddenly in details and rather insignificant facts of city which we have fantasised watching TV and cinema from the last hundred odd years?!

Because New York!

Well while we cannot stop talking about the city and this sudden incessant expressions of how it remains top in the food bucket lists for most of the food enthusiasts, there is someplace which is relieving us of the urge to fly to the city maxima.

And guess what its called? Brooklyn Central.

On ushering into the store, you are greeted with the warm flames of the restaurants open kitchen, while the staff super confidently dish out the classic American food, plate after plate.

You observe an obtuse borrowing of an image from NYC’s coffeeshops and pizzerias. From mentions of most of the districts from downtown to upstate, the only thing that you straight jump into is the anticipation of the great food that has made many days glorious.

The chef seemed super confident, and after the end of two hour long conversations and copious amount of food tastings, we understood why.

To being with, the place truly lives upto its NYC image, from its non frilly interiors, to nonchalant service staff transport you directly to Brooklyn. (not sure if the service would be taken down with spenders who count each penny that they shell out.)

Read on about the adventure this city beautiful set you on.

To begin with the portion sizes are hearty. Well, it does become overwhelming coming from the food scenario in a country where less is always more, small portions define finery, not here.

It just got bigger.

We started off with the Southern Spiced Cheese Balls, Jumbo prawns bacon wrapped and the classic Vietnamese pho — demonstrating the true bit of the diverse cultures of the city. Where the food remained authentically correct, the effect of the Pho was sublime amongst the other hearty (add choky if you wish) starters. It is rather difficult to get over the Mozzarella Cheese balls, even today.

Where the starters were planned to get us wasted in the beginning ten minutes or so with the appetite, we could understand that there was a huge following for the place when it comes to breakfast. The clever Joe does sell the same all day.

From the iconic red velvet pancakes, shakes and breakfast trays we decided to dive right into the ballsy attempt to recreate the breakfast magic. As one dives deeper into the psyche of the place, you breathe in effervescence of the NYC, a stark contrast to the otherwise relaxed and paced out Chandigarh life.

From shakes to the romantic poster boy Red Velvet Pancakes, the breakfast spread is gorgeous. The omelette served in the skillet is of special mention as it is done in one of the most pinup style of the big fat American household experience.

Personal tip : The alcoholic shakes are running for your money.

Well, it is understood and established fact that the place has done its best when it comes to truly represent The United States of America and the largely characterised demography. From the earliest settling Greek and French to the more advances Moroccan and other cultures.(Cous cous and with zuccini and bell peppers served in a Tajine, traditionally served the exact same way with little taste influences from desi cuisine). Or if comes to the most amazingly crisped Fish and chips for a typical American diner experiences. Served rustically in the Fryer where it got its glory from.

The place does not let you down at any point, with its sharp contrasting food or an intense focus on making taste as close to where it is adapted from. For people who travel often and are looking at overlapping experiences, it does give a window into nostalgia. Its on you whether you preening or not.

While it was one of the most overwhelming experience so far at this celebrated restaurant in Chandigarh, we were exhausted! However in a delightful manner as the Chef had clearly denied to serve smaller portions at all, I saw a glint of the amusement as he saw us suffering through a masochistic attempt at mains.

Barbeque lamb with gravy and mash and Jameson Lamb burger.

Where the pulled lamb stake was tender, I guess the gravy was the winner, with the right mix of herbs, we cannot complain a little shift from the originals here as the palate asking for the same asks for a little spike and less herb infusion. However the dish gets full points on the texture and density it comes with. The Lamb Burger in this eatery has been by far the most amazing burger I have had in my little twenty three years of life. As you critique and wonder how passionately it is put together with the melted cheese aptly called the “fondue” for the burger. caramelised tomato and mushroom sauce, cutting the cheesiness at all right places with the whiskey’s bitterness. The patty, was smoked and done to perfection with the right tenderness and juiciness. The place has an amazing control over their meats, the steakerie is like a curated gallery where each piece of meat is a work of art.

Confessional note : The Burger is a the tastiest nightmare that I would like to get up in the middle of the every night from this day onwards; in cold sweat. Anyway I did sweat as much as I tried finishing the big guy, failing miserably.

To be honest, the idea of getting a taste of the cocktails and the mocktails were left on a back burner yet again as we were neck deep into the pool of taste and flavours of the food from this place. However it will be unfair to mention The Bloody Mary made a sharp end to the otherwise immensely dense and gooey affair all through the evening.

Well this indeed was one of the most extravagant affair when it comes to culinary mapping, from getting transported into the limitlessness of New York City’s food and entertainment quotient. Brooklyn Central is like a fast paced walk from 124th St, turning into Wall Street, Broadway to tumbling down at central district from a walk, finally settling down at none other than one of the Brooklyn Districts warmly lit eateries for a long animated conversation over drinks and your personal comfort food.

The place is just a perfect concoction,from hedonist burgers to enticing desserts, with a dash of free spirited business of the people eating and serving. It quickly becomes highlight to your day and puts a perfect ensemble before a hungry eyed New Yorker in all of us.

Well this indeed was one of the most extravagant affair when it comes to culinary mapping, from getting transported into the limitlessness of New York City’s food and entertainment quotient. Brooklyn Central is like a fast paced walk from 124th St, turning into Wall Street, Broadway to tumbling down at central district from a walk, finally settling down at none other than one of the Brooklyn Districts warmly lit eateries for a long animated conversation over drinks and your personal comfort food.

The place is just a perfect concoction,from hedonist burgers to enticing desserts, with a dash of free spirited business of the people eating and serving. It quickly becomes highlight to your day and puts a perfect ensemble before a hungry eyed New Yorker in all of us.That is what would make people coming back. The room for something exciting and where each diner would have her own version of Brooklyn Central. Another parallel to where it comes from.

Do I recommend the place to more people? Yes! Will I come here again? Yes,to get a taste of the wine list and understand what more it stores for an even more diverse audience.

May be this time, will only be choosing lesser option and bite slowly into the place to soak in the culinary brilliance.

Ratings on Zomato — Click for the link here.

