Dark Web

Tater Rennhack
The Open Book
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2016

Sci-Hub uses university networks to access subscription-only academic papers, generally without the knowledge of the academic institutions.” “Here’s how it works: If you go to the current location of Sci-Hub (it’s a Google search away) and input a DOI or article url Sci-Hub will set you a captcha to complete [there’s something about that that almost makes me smile]. It then searches LibGen to see if it can find an existing copy of the item in question. If it does, it delivers that copy to the user.” Essentially anyone is able to access the Sci-Hub. It is as easy as typing in something on google and waiting to see if it allows for someone to use the document. Many scholars claim that Sci-Hub makes publishers rich. However the articles and research is free, so who knows the process it went through to get published for the Sci-Hub. For example the paid journals are known for the long process of editing and peer review that they are put through before being entered into the internet as a scholarly jounral. I admire the things that Elbakyan stands for. She believes that the Sci-Hub is a place to encourage researchers to put their work online and she believes it encourages independent research. Well-organized boycotts and open-access movements continue to flourish in academia.

