In Session 16: Rodrigo

The Lay Psychiatrist observes evolution take a jump

Daniel Lee
The Open Kimono


photo by author

I begin my day by lifting down in the basement, where I combine the intention of a more sculpted body with the intention to continually refine my thinking by straining it through increasingly finer mesh. I don’t have big heavy bars and bells because my training is different now. I wear a weight suit that makes me feel like I am being sucked into a black hole, so heavy and slow I can’t move fast enough to escape. But then comes a surge of energy and I remember to move as if it is not there, until I can bear to be that heavy. When the workout ends, I take it off.

That’s why a man of my size is so light on his feet and turns on a dime.

He said his name was Rodrigo and he wanted an appointment. The man was evolving into a camera. I’m trained in neurolinguistic programming, so I can watch the brain working in the eye movements, and hear it in the verbs. I knew right away that he was taking photographs with his eyes because I could hear the shutter click.

“I see what you’re doing there,” I said. “Where are you storing the images?”
“They go to a memory file. I go through them and enhance some of them, discard some of them. Do you mind if I sit in this big yellow chair?”
“Be my guest.”
The story…



Daniel Lee
The Open Kimono

I have worked as an editor and magazine journalist. My main interests were psychology and humor.