Myers Briggs & Sorcery

Where am I on the Myers Briggs? I don’t know.

Daniel Lee
The Open Kimono
3 min readNov 25, 2022


photo by author

“I want to develop all of it,” I said. “I don’t want to be defined.”

“Yeah, I get that,” Adelia Ritchie replied. “But it helped me understand some things, like why parties exhausted me, or why I was often the only logical person in the room.
“Once I understood where everyone was coming from, I could change my approach. Very helpful in a boardroom with all men except for me. I used it to ‘manipulate’ them (that’s what they called it. If they did that to me, it was just ‘conducting business’).
“Being a smart woman with strong opinions backed by intelligent research doesn’t sit well with a gang of guys who are used to running things by the seats of their pants. Once I could figure out everyone’s MB traits, my working life became more fun.”

I admire this focus into the blade and the point of the sword when doing business. Being a bum is different. You have to get a real estate license or teach chakra clearing in an ashram. At the top of the bum hierarchy are sorcerers. This is the most subtle impoverishment, and thus at the threshold of profitability. But if the spirit is made into matter then it’s not spirit anymore. So it doesn’t matter. And I can come right back to the point of the sword. A sorcerer deliberately obscures personal history as a way to move to the abstract.

Carlos Castaneda described just what he was doing, erasing his personal history. This was also a tactic of Gurdjieff’s. Burroughs was exploring the same territory when he described moving from time to space, “a different medium, and a different light.” He said it is like holograms, but without the oppressive quality of something out of place. Holographic storage is not linear. All the information is in any piece of it. To a bum this kind of information is like finding a still sealed bottle of wine with a twist cap.

What one does with such information I’ve no clue, but there seems to be something besides the force of history pushing from the past. There is something in the future drawing us toward an already existing outcome. This is exactly what you are saying, that the predetermined outcome is the result of your knowing MB types, and making accurate predictions. I on the other hand set to sea without a sail, without a rudder or a compass, only with faith that the Lord will deliver me safely back to shore.

That reminds me of the Evangelical Space Program, where you use the Rapture to fling astronauts into space, aka, the arms of the Lord. And there were people in the Middle Ages who set out to sea without sail or rudder, to prove their faith in God. This is why it’s important to have a smart atheist friend with a compass.

Shadowgnosis, Adelia Ritchie



Daniel Lee
The Open Kimono

I have worked as an editor and magazine journalist. My main interests were psychology and humor.