The Open Mic Points And Badges

Dmitry Kornyukhov 🍁
The Open Mic
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2015


The Open Mic was designed so we could talk about important things and everything that affects our industry.

But despite the pretty serious premise it doesn’t mean that we can’t have some fun, right? :)

That’s why we developed a pretty awesome system of points and badges to reward our amazing members.

If you signed up for a free account you probably already know that you can earn points and badges for pretty much anything you do on The Open Mic.

And if you haven’t signed up yet, now is your chance:

Sign Up For A Free Account

Our system of points and badges is fun and engaging.

But more importantly: it was designed to reward our amazing members, not punish them.

Points are solely used to indicate the most engaged members of our community so that we could promote you and your content on The Open Mic.

While badges add an element of gamification, making your interactions with The Open Mic a little bit more enjoyable :)

How Can You Earn The Open Mic Points?

There are many things you can do on The Open Mic to earn points.

Some of them bring more points, other bring less.

The cool thing is that most of the time the points are earned in a somewhat passive mode.

Below is a list of all the actions that help you earn points:

  1. Logging into The Open Mic — 10 OM points per login.
  2. Daily site visits — 5 OM points per site visit.
  3. Updating your profile information — 25 OM points.
  4. Uploading a profile photo — 150 OM points.
  5. Uploading a cover photo — 100 OM points.
  6. When you read a story — 10 OM points.
  7. When someone reads your story — 20 OM points.
  8. When you publish a story — 250 OM points.
  9. When you leave a comment — 5 OM points.
  10. Referring a visitor — 25 OM points per visitor.
  11. Referring a member — 50 OM points per new user.

You can view your account balance by going to Menu > Account Settings > My Points.

This is where you can also find your referral link. Share this link on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and invite your friends and colleagues to join The Open Mic.

You’ll earn points from every referral :)

You can easily earn Open Mic points by sharing this link on social media

How Can You Earn The Open Mic Badges?

Pretty much the same way you earn Open Mic Points.

Simply by participating in the life of our little community.

Right now we have around 20 badges that you can earn.

They’re fun and super engaging. :)

All the badges you earn will be displayed on your profile

Some activities have several levels. For example, there are 5 different badges for writing stories, 3 different badges for leaving comments, even 3 different badges for reading stories.

Yes, you can earn badges by reading stories on The Open Mic.

I mean, how cool is that?

Some badges are very easy to get, others require time and determination. And some are awarded individually (for example I had a badge for all the awesome beta-testers that helped me with The Open Mic.

Now, I don’t want to ruin the fun for you guys, that’s why I’m not going to tell you what kind of badges you can earn.

I’ll let you figure it out on your own :)

But the formula is pretty simple: be engaged, write stories, and participate in the life of this amazing community.

Read On

How To Hide Your Profile From Members Directories?

How To Add YouTube Videos To Your Stories?

What Happens When You Publish A New Story On The Open Mic?

This post was originally published on The Open Mic — the most inspiring community for translators and interpreters.

