#TranslatorsOnAir OmegaT — a free open source CAT-tool feat. @sheilagomes

Dmitry Kornyukhov 🍁
The Open Mic
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2016

Proudly sponsored by SmartCAT — the Free Translation Platform! You can learn more about SmartCAT here.

Hello friends!

I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

Just wanted to share the recording of our recent episode of Translators On Air with wonderful Sheila Gomes.

This time around we were talking about OmegaT, a free open-source CAT tool and Sheila shared her experience of working with this tool.

Sheila is an EN-PTBR translator and she has been working as a translator for over 20 years.

You can watch the replay right here.

You can also watch/listen on YouTube or SoundCloud below.

Watch on YouTube

Listen on SoundCloud

Or if you’re super busy, you can check out some of the highlights below.

Highlights of the Show

1) Sheila explains what OmegaT is
2) Sheila talks about system requirements for OmegaT
3) We talk about how does OmegaT compare to other tools

To watch the entire episode simply click this link.

About Sheila

Working in the EN-PTBR pair for over 20 years, she is a native Brazilian from the south of the country. She started using OmegaT 6 years ago, and now is part of the development team as a promoter of the CAT tool for Brazilian users. A member of IAPTI and Coletivo IdenTIdade, she is also part of the steering committee of the IGDA LocSIG, a game localization group that connects developers’ and localizers’ interests.

She also volunteers in professional development and educational initiatives, such as the information portal Multitude, promoting better market practices, and organizing both local and online networking and community engagement activities.

In this episode you will learn:

  • What OmegaT is and how you can use it;
  • What philosophy lies behind the open source projects;
  • How it compares to other CAT tools on the market;

…and much more!

Watch this episode online

Useful Links and Resources

Sheila was kind enough to share these valuable resources that will help you learn more about OmegaT

1) Official site:

2) Latest version download:

3) English Facebook page:

4) Brazilian Facebook page:

5) Video on how to start translating in the latest version of OmegaT:

6) Follow-up video on OmegaT:

7) Statistics about Omegat downloads:

8) OmegaT’s philosophy:

9) Support group:

10) Feature requests list:

11) Interesting facts about the current state of open source projects:

12) Online paid training Sheila recommends if anyone wants to know more about the tool:

P.S.: As always, sharing is caring! 99.99% of translators never heard about our show, so if you really enjoyed watching this episode, make sure you click one of those social-sharing buttons.

Hugs from Toronto and Nizhny Novgorod!

