Design Concept Critique

Amanda Johnson
The Open Portfolio Project
3 min readNov 30, 2016
Experience Journey Map of Using Templates

Our early design consisted of a system where: The format could be easily embedded to website like basic HTML or PDF, and where teachers could upload projects and send them to students easily. Teachers would also be able to customize their own projects. The system would scaffold the portfolio experience and provide steps and reflection questions, and students could see each step in the process. We imagined a system where teachers could easily track from the backend system, and be able to provide feedback for each step, like google doc. After the project was completed students could dowload their work and put it on their own personal portfolio or share with their family or peers.

We cast a wide for our experience map, which gave us a lot of great feedback. We were mostly interested in getting feedback on where we should focus in our process. Below are some of the comments we got after pitching our inital design concept.

Overall the comments we received from the critique were really helpful for our team to solidify our ideas and narrow in on one focus. The main areas our team needs to address are the template aspect of our scenario, incorporating different types of media, the feedback loop between teachers and students, and what the student will experience as they use this system. We need to make a stronger argument for the value and purpose of templates used for documentation. Will it be for ease of use for the teacher to assess student work? Or will it be a way for teacher’s to teach the documentation process? Or will it be used for student’s to craft a narrative for their process? Someone brought up that templates may be limiting to students, we agreed, however depending on our goals and purpose for the template, it could be a great way for students to initially learn about the documentation process.

