User Insight Boards

Amanda Johnson
The Open Portfolio Project
2 min readDec 13, 2016
Insight boards from informal and formal learning enviornemnts
Insight board from a Project-Based learning Director at a private school
Insight Boards from our Expert users

We interviewed 2 professionals working in formal and informal learning environments that were interested in using portfolios for learning. Nina Barbuto and Megan Cicconi gave us lots of ideas and insights into some of the challenges and needs that each type of learning environment faces when it comes to implementing portfolio practices.

We interviewed Adam Nye from Winchester Thurston about how he could implement portfolio practices in his project-based learning project, City as our Campus.

To get a sense of how expert portfolio users used their portfolio, we interviewed 4 CMU students with exisiting portfolios are ask them about their values and work practices as they put their portfolios together.

Together these insights gave us a good idea of the problem space and helped us understand the goals and needs in many different type of learning enviornments.

