A Ferris Wheel Showed Me Who I Really Am

And it was different than I expected

Brenda Fredericks
The Opening


Ferris Wheel pic by Hailey Marino

Last night, I ate french fries loaded with ketchup, diet soda and cotton candy.

These were Hailey Marino’s desires and I was along for the ride of pure freaking FUN.

I also went on what I consider to be a VERY SCARY RIDE at the carnival.

In fact, I was a HARD NO to this ride.

There’s a video I’ll post in my stories that I told Hailey, “there is no fucking way I am going on that fucking ride!”

And I really meant it.

I said that at the top of the ferris wheel when I was freaking out because it was so damned high and it kept stopping. We were the first ones on for the new round so it stopped regularly for one full rotation of the wheel to let people off and on.

Every time it stopped, I had a freak out.

Every time it moved I had a freak out.

I was sweating.

It was really scary to me.

But I did choose to go on. I went on the huge Wheel in Seattle with my family in 2017 and it was fun-scary as shit. It is a HUUUUUGE new Wheel and turned out to be so many laugh out loud moments a really great memory.



Brenda Fredericks
The Opening

Musings on being a Woman and a Mother on a Spiritual Journey. In service to Truth and Joy. Cohost: Desire as Medicine Podcast. https://www.brendafredericks.com