I’m a Hungry Woman

I was born this way

Po-Hong Yu
The Opening
2 min readMar 23, 2021


I was summoned

And born this way

Intense and deeply connected to my desire from day one

Some may consider me a greedy bitch

Others may consider me relentless

Because my appetite for food, life, creation, and truth is strong

Even when my entire life crashed and burned in my early teens

And I went dead and numb on the inside

And out of control and on my way to the grave on the outside

My fire still burned deep

For over two decades I died over and over again

One rock bottom after another

It was dramatic as fuck

And super humbling and humiliating

But this is the thing

I never stopped feeling that fire in me even when it was a flicker

I held on to it with my life

Because it was my life

I could have died, gone insane, or just stayed in a pit of darkness for the rest of my life

But I wasn’t having it

Because surrendering into the places where my desire wants me to go is a non-negotiable

Even when it’s scary

As I enter into this next phase of expansion as a teacher

And allowing you to experience more of me

I’m feeling an immense amount of gratitude for my life’s path

The messy and the dark

The beauty and the grace

Because I’ve picked up a bunch of gems along the way

And I want you to know that I’m not special

We all have this flame inside

As long as we’re alive

It’s up to us to tap into this resource

Culture has taught us to ignore our hunger

To push it down and starve ourselves and be malnourished

But we all have a birthright

Of living in prosperity, power, and freedom

As Source has ordained for us

It’s a radical act indeed to step into the unknown spaces and claim who we are

The awakening journey is not about walking down the roads you already know

You gotta explore unchartered territories

As your fire lights the way

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Po-Hong Yu
The Opening

Witch & Holder of the Dark and Deep. Truth • Alchemy • Awakening. I remind people who they are if they are willing. https://linktr.ee/bigredalchemy