It’s Not Always Love and Light

This is the “Keep Your Bullshit at Bay” Filter

Emily Perez
The Opening
6 min readJan 19, 2021


“GURL” | RuPaul

Sip Your Own Tea!

Sometimes you just gotta do it.

There’s a time when you hire teachers and you sip some of their tea, in order to grow as a person. But you must always come back to YOUR own tea!

Otherwise, why did you hire them to begin with?

There comes a time where you have to stop looking for the answers OUTSIDE of you.

Stop looking for mentors.

For Guides.



The internet.


There is a point when all that once guided you, graduates into something else.

It’s why teachers need boundaries.

Because students grow, change, evolve into their own beings.

Sip your own tea!

The answers are inside of you.

Nobody knows what YOU know inside.

All they serve is either bringing that thing out so you can see it or not.


And YOU are involved with CHOOSING who your teachers are.

Choosing the right teacher is important especially when it comes to your personal development as an enlightened being on this planet.

Once you do graduate, YOU’RE GOING TO SEE all they are; in truth.


In fact, you cannot authentically communicate love and light without going through the darkness.

It is always worth it to invest in your own knowing.

As a person who LOVES to empathize with humanity, this can be uncomfortable because there is deep conditioning with empaths to rescue others.

Also, all my Black Latina-American-Dominican-Woman conditioning that I choose daily to NOT be a victim to.

Those narratives say that I need to stay small in a box, tip-toe, to put others above me- put my teachers above me, don’t say the thing that’ll trigger them, keep their feelings safe at the cost of my own voice and knowing.

Well, I’m here to say I am a FUCK NO to that!

When I look around the world these days, a lot of teachers serve themselves.

^read that again.

And most people cannot see it because they themselves are colluding with the same ego as their teacher.


THAT is the wrong tea to be sipping from and if you ever want to work with me, that is not what I offer.

I am in service to THE TRUTH inside the person, not their ego despite the possibility of losing them as a client, as a friend, as in anything.

What’s scary is how so many of our spiritual folk, ON SO MANY LEVELS, call themselves lightworkers with absolutely NO awareness of their shadow.

Oh, yea, some of them do say they do shadow work, but really?

Hmm… I don’t think so!!

“Whatchu talking bout Willis” | Gary Coleman, Diff’rent Strokes

Why? Because only a person who’s REALLY been down there KNOWS someone else who’s been down there!


Ask yourself:

How deep is your teacher willing to go for the truth that lives inside of you and then ask yourself, “What game do you want to play?”

A good teacher is a clean teacher.

One who doesn’t pressure you or try to manipulate you by selling you dreams and fantasies.

One that does not sway from your Sovereignty.

Or one who jumps through hoops and shapes themselves into whatever appeases you at the moment.

This is your “Keep the Bullshit At Bay” filter.

This is the discernment piece that allows you to see who really is full of shit, who is out there seeking validation, and who is out there really in service to THE THING.

Sometimes your teacher is the one you demonize.

I’ve definitely demonized my teachers right along with pedestalizing them.

^they are both the same

In fact, the people you deem less than you, often have more of a clue; your teachers are sometimes in the crack houses and prisons. They are more connected to humanity than some who claim to have ascended.

Fuck that!

A good teacher will always guide you to the spot INSIDE of you- despite you having a particular preference for them.

They show you the way so that YOU can walk through your own labyrinth and if they are not doing that- if they are painting pictures of false ideas AND more importantly YOU’RE buying into them,

Buying the easy patch up job of “THEY can heal you!”

That it’s their way or no way and that you must choose now.

Or worse, they are only invested in themselves.

Maybe you should reconsider who your teacher is.

Stop investing your time and money and beliefs on guidance from illegitimate people.

There are many false prophets.

The power is in YOU, the STUDENT- not in them.

Your investment in false prophets IS what keeps them in business.

YOU choose who your teachers are and be VERY considerate.

It’s your responsibility to entrust your sacred life journey to the true person because YES life on Earth is a gift and it is sacred.

If you’re choosing someone who escapes their fleshly reality, then that person is not interested in living a good life on earth. That person is interested in escaping reality in which case is no better than a person who is addicted to crack.

Be VERY thorough because sometimes, the teachers you love the most can become the ones who’ll hurt you the most.

^Read that again!

The era is not for sugar coating or connecting on the surface.

Those days are gone. Behind us.

There is a foundational knowing deep inside all of us.

Finding that IS the path.

And the mind fuck of it all is:

YOU are both; the teacher and the student.

^Read that again!!!

This is the message from the student inside me.

Choose your teachers wisely.

Everything is your teacher and not everything needs to be your teacher.

It’s taken me many teachers to learn this ONE lesson and I’m realizing there’s a way to make it less painful.

That a better way DOES exist.

Some are in service to that, some are not.

Sip your own tea and choose wisely from your own inner knowing the game you want to play in life.

Only move where the single sea ripple below your belly moves you to.

THAT is the wisdom we all seek.

And to all the teachers out there…

I understand the hoops you jump through that sacrifice the quality and pureness of your work because of life. However, if you find yourself doing this, then it’s time you revisit your inner student.

In that case, the student is the one that holds wisdom.

Your only job as a teacher is to serve the resonant truth, that’s it.

If you’re teaching and you are not in service to this, then YOU, my friend, have NO business teaching anyone.

Let me revise. You sure don’t have any business teaching me.

^ That is my opinion.

You are both the student and the teacher.

You choose either way.

The dance between teacher and student matters.

If you’d like to read more of my work, please follow me here.

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Emily Perez
The Opening

Sensual Alchemist, Weaver of Journeys, Mother, Writer, Poet