Mother Nature Did What We Couldn’t

Brenda Fredericks
The Opening
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2020


She did what we could not do ourselves. She started in motion the beginning of the end.

Photo courtesy of The Atlantic

In 2012 my house was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. It ripped through and flooded the bottom of my 3 story home. Made it unlivable.

We lived on the South shore of Long Island and as the storm was rolling in and upleveled to a category 3, we were told to evacuate.

Before we evacuated, we brought everything of value upstairs.

…how does one choose what is valuable?

The room downstairs and our family room was slowly falling apart. Much like everything else in our lives, namely our marriage.

We put the old couch on cement blocks and milk crates to lift it up a few feet.

We couldn’t move the piano or the TV. We brought up the photo albums and some other sentimental items and hoped for the best.

We were choosing what we were willing to sacrifice.

The house was in disarray and the news was blaring from the radio. A feeling of fast paced fear in the air. People were evacuating all over our neighborhood but some refused to go. One of our cars was destroyed in Hurricane Irene a year earlier and I was reminded of the power of these storms.



Brenda Fredericks
The Opening

Musings on being a Woman and a Mother on a Spiritual Journey. In service to Truth and Joy. Cohost: Desire as Medicine Podcast.