9th Annual NaPoMo 30/30/30 :: Week 4 :: Curated by Constantine Jones

“Poets Without a Book (Deal)”

Constantine Jones
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
2 min readApr 23, 2020


“Who is to dictate the path you take besides you?” (graffiti on the side of The Peter Kearn Library, Knoxville TN)
“Who is to dictate the path you take besides you?” (graffiti on the side of The Peter Kearn Library, Knoxville TN)

In leading with this phrase I hoped to illuminate common threads between the poets profiled for my curation dates by way of choosing a specific constraint with respect to the poets I asked to contribute. All of the profiles here are written by my fellow friends & family in poetry. These poets are teachers, reading series coordinators, community organizers, independent journal curators, parents & students. They are luminous individuals who give so much of themselves to their respective communities, but they also share one other commonality — despite the abundance & earnestness of their work, none of them have a “book deal” as is most commonly recognizable.

I want to be very clear here — I highlight this aspect of the contributors deliberately, not because I consider the lack of a book deal a negation of their heart / their work, but quite the contrary. I do this as one of many attempts to push back against the assumptions of validation that come with having a book represented / marketed / vetted by “Big 5” publishers or otherwise more “illustrious” institutions. I had a feeling that, by canvassing this particular group of people, they would naturally gravitate to poets who spoke to that same aesthetic of poetry for its own sake / in service to something larger than notoriety or a paycheck. I happily report I was correct. It seems impossible to me that the poets profiled here had gone unnoticed in the past 8 years of this experiment, yet also I’m heartened by this fact.

Now these voices, (some gone, some not, some well-known, some not so much) are able to speak themselves into this new strange decade through the mouths & hearts of poets who, I ultimately believe, are sincerely in the service of language for the betterment of their communities & the world at large.

Photo of Constantine Jones
Constantine Jones by Francesco di Benedetto

Constantine Jones is a Greek-American thingmaker raised in Tennessee & currently housed in Brooklyn. They are a member of the Visual AIDS Artist+ Registry & teach creative writing at The City College of New York. They also volunteer in the LGBT Center Archives, where they conduct research on queer Greek-American histories as they intersect with HIV. Their work has been performed or exhibited at various venues across NYC & their debut hybrid haunted house book, In Still Rooms, is out now via The Operating System.



Constantine Jones
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

They/Them. Greek-American thingmaker from Tennessee to Brooklyn. Member of Visual AIDS Artist+ Registry & Operating System. Creative Writing Workshops at CCNY.