all the color I can recall arranged in a vase on the kitchen table.

an excerpt from Heidi Reszies new book, Illusory Borders

the operating system
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
2 min readNov 18, 2019


Welcome to [RE:CON]CRETIONS! A new series of excerpts from our forthcoming and recent publications.

Today, OS collaborator Heidi Reszies shares an excerpt from her new book Illusory Borders, out now from The Operating System. Want more? Check out our interview with Reszies about her work.

[Image: The cover of Heidi Reszies new book, Illusory Borders, out now from The Operating System, composed of blue ink on white paper, which creates forms from the negative space between the blue and the white. Cover design by Elæ.]

from preface(s)


I see this translation/propagation borne out of conditions/processes of
the mind. An openness emerged from textual & structural aspects.
The elucidation/the layers of their present form came from existing
configurations/from specific moments in history/in the seem of growth
&/or change. Other aspects dealt with purging/persisting in dire
emergencies. The arrangement of certain points/the curve gets lost
between the older layers. These do belong/are not independent of
the sequence/the page/the first line.


The built-up things keep building. I want to see the whole thing: new
things still happening everywhere/every force to reckon with/every little
thing. Every body houses doubt sometimes. I think/wonder if I ever really
am aware of the motion/the water/the self. I do not think/I think: that
period of vivid intuitions/music everywhere. Everything negatived,
everybody quiet for a minute. Yes. Moods in which each thing is very
little/all intense. Every time, I worried exactly how to produce it/a cosmos/
a portion of the remnant of another thing/everything that has occurred to
date/to me.

from satellites & margins

About the Author / Artist

[Image: photo of Heidi Reszies]

Heidi Reszies is a poet/ transdisciplinary artist living in Richmond, Virginia. Her visual art is included in the National Museum of Women in the Arts CLARA Database of Women Artists. She teaches letterpress printing at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts, and is the creator/curator of Artifact Press. Her poetry collection titled Illusory Borders is available from The Operating System. Her collection titled Of Water & Other Soft Constructions was selected by Samiya Bashir as the winner of the Anhinga Press 2018 Robert Dana Prize for Poetry (forthcoming in 2019). Find her at



the operating system
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

The Operating System is a peer-facilitated experiment in the redistribution of creative resources and possibility. Join us!