Distāntia: A Remote Reading Series

Distāntia Remote Reading Series: Call for video submissions 2020

Distāntia: ‘standing apart’, hence ‘separation, opening (between); distance, remoteness; difference, diversity.’

Orchid Tierney
1 min readMar 15, 2020


This is an experimental reading series, staged around the COVID-19 crisis and the concept of social distancing done intimately. Call it: intimate social distancing. Please send poems/prose/experimental work as video recordings (up to 10 minutes tops) along with a text copy of the work (this is for closed caption purposes), a bionote and a paypal link (for a personal tipjar) OR a link to a charity you want to support to offtopicpoetics (at) gmail (dot)com.

Our remote intimate gathering will unfold here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvvXC1Q4IwxV7Ve6h1026cg

Food and beverages will be made available from your own refrigerator. So stock up!

No sexist, ableist, racist, transphobic, or homophobic submissions.

This will unfold weekly, depending on submissions. The call is ongoing until further notice.

As always: be kind and considerate, people!

