Ex-Spec Po Presents “In which I approach-avoid my mother’s ghost passive-aggressively” by Karina Lutz

Kenning JP García
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
2 min readJun 21, 2019

Poetic Statement: This prose poem/flash fiction piece, "In which I approach-avoid my mother’s ghost passive-agressively," speculates backwards: what would things be like now if things had been different for my ancestresses? Or had they made different choices? At the same time it looks forward: what happens when one dies? What happens to the relationship when one of a pair of loved ones dies?

I use two psychological terms in the title: "approach avoidance" https://psychologydictionary.org/approach-avoidance-conflict/ and the more colloquial "passive aggression."

This is one of a set of poems I’m calling my "post-Catholic midrashim"-- looking back at my dogmatic upbringing as if I might have been given the Jewish religion’s freedom to reinterpret or expand upon the skeleton stories of the Torah. What inspires me is the ability of people to shake off acculturated belief systems that oppress us--to see a way out.

Bio: As an environmental activist, Karina Lutz helped secure passage of sustainable energy legislation, thwart a proposed megaport, and restore wetlands in her home watershed of Narragansett Bay, RI. After receiving an MSJ from Medill School of Journalism, Karina worked as an editor, reporter, magazine publisher, and in nonprofit communications. A serial social entrepreneur, she’s currently collaborating to launch a permaculture community, Listening Tree Cooperative. Her poems have been published by _Dark Mountain, Tulane Review, Visitant, Blueline, S/tick, The Wayfarer, Poecology, Twisted Vine, The Transnational,_ and others. She performed her epic peace poem, 'Encircling Earth,' at dozens of venues in New England.



Kenning JP García
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

(FKA Kenyatta) is the author of So This Is Story (Shirt Pocket Press), They Say (West Vine Press), This Sentimental Education and lots of speculative poetry.