Kenning JP García
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
1 min readJun 21, 2019


Ex-Spec Po Presents Three Poems by Anna Mirzayan

Bio: Anna Mirzayan is a doctoral candidate in Theory and Criticism, where she focuses on speculative aesthetics and Marxist feminism. She uses digital cut up machines to dissect and reassemble text as a means of exploring new forms of textual embodiment. Her work uses poetry to work through complex scholastic texts and to generate new language at the intersection of poetry and academic thought, to explore the queer femme experience. She is obsessed with sci-fi and cyborgs. You can find her on Twitter @brekekexkoax or read some of her other work at The Stockholm Review, Bluestockings Magazine, and Maudlin House.



Kenning JP García
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

(FKA Kenyatta) is the author of So This Is Story (Shirt Pocket Press), They Say (West Vine Press), This Sentimental Education and lots of speculative poetry.