feel notes 101 / into the grander i

Edwin Torres
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
3 min readFeb 25, 2022

where do things cross things … what I need with what I am … where does feel cross see … what to do with what could be … i to i … explore with me

I’m looking at extensions of liminality as obscure resource motifs for expansion … is that equal to a morning jibe for clarity … when did being clear ever become normal

feel notes 101.a … how am I to share with you all … the trepidation of unknown crevice / crevi (plural/ality as normative whatnot) … (the plural crevice of an orifice waiting)

the choice to wade through an interior split … an infinite spliff … is to share streams of conscious notes to a hybrid intelligence … a gathered octave … roaming as extensions of who I am

you all … are who I am … but so are all of you … outside the group … what makes the group … the crossing beyond that I am gathering … how we cross each other’s grouping … by where we see

seems for a life now … I’ve been gathering seeing as emblems of being … captured here in this medium … on Medium … my size … too large for language

my need … to flow with language the outcome of expansion … what happens in the beyond … that aligns my search … explore with me

feel notes 101.b … detritus of a city’s brain scan … catalytic assemblages in votive intelligence … what mind does to alignment … take my spill … retrieved by mantra

be gentle to your own power … said one of you to all of you … it’s here in my notes … the i into the grander i … it’s where I keep my crossings of inspiration … where doing gets done

to believe in me without understanding me … it’s in these notes … or ones I haven’t … that … what’s outside is different, is not, is taught … to believe in me … without knowing why

feel notes 101.c … I need more explicit ways of stationary … I can’t read my writing, it’s what one of you said … to soak in poison … to the larger i … to enrich and die, both … at once

in the appendage of solidarity … hyprocrisy is a beast … unleashed of great certainty, note … how language has changed suddenly … in these notes … from before … from the start, as war enters the frame … as the week unfolds

as notions of control, empower question-apparati (plural) … to not be so masculine, said ukrainian reporter, to show strong in not muscle but heart … can territory be gendered

have you seen texas … have you been to the docks … have you entered the unknown removal … the category of defiance just outside my grasp

and again (as the week) one more lair is released … over the heads of the gathered … I resemble a phantom ignition … helpless yet powerful, let me declare excision

as crossing … as juxtaposition of the sensory … what I need with what I am … this is the project to explore with me … how things become things … and how we let them

by where we were … juxtaposition to the seeing … is time to the seeing … by arranging can we disarrange seeing … to show heart … by where we were when we let in … so much

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images: Asemic Script by Annabelle Goll, River Rocks by Eliot Daughtry, Personality Types chart from Instagram, Magic Quadrant for Meeting Solutions chart from Gartner Source

