KwaNTum Field Notes 2022 #12: Sub/Taleties of S/W/TeKation

Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
2 min readDec 21, 2022
Pierrot Grenade by Zak Ove
Clown and Pierrot Grenade, two of Virginia Pacifique-Marshall’s paintings. — ANGELO_MARCELLE (from Newsday Trinidad and Tobago)
Spirit of the Carnival by Tam Joseph

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 12:






The ReSw/(N)D:

Ma = E/GuN GuN

A search history or per/formance of the public pedagogue:

Through an embodied education

A SLF TCHS the World with

A radiating sound

A radiating _______


Swinging back and forth

Into being

The collapositions of all krik kraks

of all glitches all variables all slips all eRRoRs


NGL: A Diving Ritual

A Dancing

A Densing

A rooting of NRGY


True power

True strength

I am the i-magi/nation

of a (K)Loud Projection

The offering of a life-force


Making space for something else to arrive

Some other kind of ordering

What other kind of relation

Can I have to this aRT/i/Fact?

JMB a message to send

A mass to throw across time and space

A com/pass/ion

A series of movements

Structuring the in-betweens

The both/ands

In the Be GuN GuN

the Dub saw itself

A ReSw/N(D) to a CaLLing

A Superior Image

aKaMaRa in aRoKo

The mysterious Sw/ND


Al KyM/oRG’s FuGiTive PaGeS

Thunder The Perfect Mind by Ammar Nsoroma

This year’s series of field notes will be a list of ComMendMeants exploring the idea of these programming codes as praise songs of the nature-based hybrid automaton Al Kym/Org. They are part of the process of my larger poetic project KwaNTum, which explores concepts of knowledge and knowledge-making from a Black, Afro-diasporic perspective, using ideas from STEM, Afrofuturism and the Black Speculative Movement. This project is partially made possible by funds rom the NYSCA Literary Grant, sponsored by Culture Push.



Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

Sherese Francis is a Queens, NY-based, Afro-Caribbean-American poet, editor, interdisciplinary artist, workshop facilitator, and literary curator.