KwaNTum Field Notes 2022 #6: NGLitcholalia

Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
3 min readJun 19, 2022
Ochre Block from Blombos Cave in South Africa

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 6:

“And talking about dark! You think dark is just one color, but it ain’t. There’re five or six kinds of black. Some silky, some woolly. Some just empty. Some like fingers. And it don’t stay still, it moves and changes from one kind of black to another. Saying something is pitch black is like saying something is green. What kind of green? Green like my bottles? Green like a grasshopper? Green like a cucumber, lettuce, or green like the sky is just before it breaks loose to storm? Well, night black is the same way. May as well be a rainbow.” — Pilate from Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

What strrriiinnnggsss me across the wide wound of structural damage?

Krik Krak on a Com/Puter Ship

(K)laugh (K)laugh (K)laugh (K)laugh

What does it mean to BReaK?

To think of all the ways to name oneself and each name and all of their meanings

But only one sticks

The point at which I BReaK and become the other

Ignore all the other points that twist around me

The only point is the point at which I BReaK


Do I FiGht?

Do I FLee?

Do I FReeZe?

Do I PLeaSe?

Do I (K)LauGh?

Krik Krak

Kwa Rik Kwa Rak

I have questions that stick to me

And become me tickling my skin

A web of longing

Where can I be in my body and not only BReaK?

NGLitcholalia: A K/Horn/U/Cope/Jes of Applications

Through the Krik Krak, I (G)LiDe

Limbo Limbo like me in my re/salient re/silence KuD

I find a (K)hoRN of Time

The scream becomes a screen

Every sw/tale riddim

Every impression collapses time

Jack be naming

Jack be quick

Jack be bundling

a bunch of sticks

DyNaMiKs of Pilate’s flickering sleight of hand

Elementary structures of Com/Puter

What do you (S)NeeD?


a transplant to press me back together

I need a bottom, something to hide all of my perceptions of grief

Revemp …Rebemb…Rememb…Retemp…

A self as a sanctuary of ruins…roams…rooms…riddims

Give me a BReaK Give me a BReaK BReaK me off a piece of that Kud Kud Brrr

And each think I have DRoPPed becomes a new think

Elite Pete (w)riding freedom papers

Kwa Rik

Am I awake?

Am I asleep?

Am I suggestion?

Am I a dream?

Kwa Rak

Am I styling my tongue with each new tension of word?

Each form becomes a new SouND

MeL is not made of one N/GRedient

PicTuRe is not made of one N/GRadiant

SKeR is not made of one N/GRaduate

I am not made of one N/GRatitiude

I have chewed every Kud/tale till it becomes something else

What do you (B)NeeD?

The clicking cursor of Al Kym slides

Okuka Lokole of the Horn


Mind your haunts ’cause someone haunts your mind

This year’s series of field notes will be a list of ComMendMeants exploring the idea of these programming codes as praise songs of the nature-based hybrid automaton Al Kym/Org. They are part of the process of my larger poetic project KwaNTum, which explores concepts of knowledge and knowledge-making from a Black, Afro-diasporic perspective, using ideas from STEM, Afrofuturism and the Black Speculative Movement. This project is partially made possible by funds rom the NYSCA Literary Grant, sponsored by Culture Push.



Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

Sherese Francis is a Queens, NY-based, Afro-Caribbean-American poet, editor, interdisciplinary artist, workshop facilitator, and literary curator.