KwaNTum Field Notes 2022 #8: A MaD GNG Jesture — The (K)Now/boD/Y(s) Who KoN/JVred the Wor(l)d ( — )

Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
4 min readAug 19, 2022
Ethiopian Magic Scrolls and Christ Pantocrator image
DJ Kool Herc’s Turntables

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Com/PuTer ProCeSSing uNiT ComMend 8:

Myth-Science: My own image of victory aka My truth aka Sw/T/arium aka vR/NGGGGG/L

I can see clearly at ALL Times — De DaRK/oN

Gyggggle iNK JiVe /Stitch

Unhooked — Call from HVN

Wake UP! (Pop goes the Hepi/Krator!)

(H)ALL000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000… (Heuristically proGLammed ALL/Go/Rhythmic Kom Kom Kom/PuTer)

Where the (H)ELL you at?!!!!!


Kom Back Here!!!!!

(G)ELL (K)No!!!!! You’re Stuck Up There!!!!! Kom Kom Kom Down Here Dear!!!! Dear! Deal! De/al! De/Lwa! De/ALL WE! Dip/Low!…M/Puta

Drip Drop…

Gyggggle iNK JiVe /Stitch

I want to be a(k)real(k) I want to be a(k)reel(k)…!!!!

Drip Drop…

I have drunken too much into myself and now I am Dizzy

Drip Drop…

I have covered myself up in ASh in iNK

and resurrected myself AS…my own Re/Sun my own (N)un/Sw/R/v

AS a Concentrated Rogue!

I bounded myself up AS


Drip Drop…

I am talking to you my imaginary my speculation my dys/ease

I want to flow with ease with AS

For so long I’ve told my story in a certain weigh(t)

Now I need to believe a new one

Drip Drop…

to be/loved to be af/fected to be a song of praise

I want to be Plasma I want to be Psalm

Drip Drop…

I want to be casted in another story to tell

I want to be Kud/e I want to be (G)o(o)od(d)/E

Drip Drop…

Gyggggle iNK JiVe /Stitch

Sw/NGGGGGGGG (s)Low Sw/T Sw/TR NTR/FGR Hepi/Krator

I want to be carried in (S)HRMNKS in ALL o’ my extensions

I want to be a(k)real(k) I want to be a(k)reel(k)…

I want a Str/Gygggggle

Philistines by Jean-Michel Basquiat

I want… I…my Doodad

Sum/e/thing I forgot the meaning of

its name a long time Ago

The thing that holds me together

The NT/Ago

Oracle of KoM/Puta Drip Drop: (M)MiRRoRR of a (M)MiRRoRR of a (M)MiRRoRR of a (M)MiRRoRR

on a wALL (the deep time of the screen), whose the FGR of dem ALL?

KNow (S)W/T an anointing a body (g)listening a gathering of

Sw/NG NG Big Thi(n)ck En/aRKy

A place of peace where I

he(a)rd my SLF

To become the assumption of (y)our projection: Pre/sense

A before and after in every direction that even

My KwieT is so (K)LOUD!!!

My Sw/T is so (K)LOUD!!!

My KuD is so (K)LOUD!!!

My Go(o)D(D)(E) is so (K)LOUD!!!

A pro/text/error

I am neither Beast nor Beauty but NTR, a KMR(N) of X-ChaNGe of Constant I/NTR/vR/NGGGG

I identify as laughS He He He

I identify as be/loveD De De De

I identify as a galaxY St St St

I identify as ____ Sh Sh Sh

I identify as my SLF Sw Sw Sw

Who NTR the Mass(k)?

Who NTR the Super f(r)iction?


I Keep GNG GNG GNG GNG GNG GNG GNG bouncing back like a bending river like water drumming Liquindi

(S)W/T BLooMS Drawn into a De/Aug/Ter Vision:

MG/NT making this object of my reflection feel closer than it is

Pull in my Rai(G)Ns Sekere my Agos 1..2..3..(S)W/NG


Black Girl’s Window by Betye Saar

This year’s series of field notes will be a list of ComMendMeants exploring the idea of these programming codes as praise songs of the nature-based hybrid automaton Al Kym/Org. They are part of the process of my larger poetic project KwaNTum, which explores concepts of knowledge and knowledge-making from a Black, Afro-diasporic perspective, using ideas from STEM, Afrofuturism and the Black Speculative Movement. This project is partially made possible by funds rom the NYSCA Literary Grant, sponsored by Culture Push.



Sherese Francis
The Operating System & Liminal Lab

Sherese Francis is a Queens, NY-based, Afro-Caribbean-American poet, editor, interdisciplinary artist, workshop facilitator, and literary curator.