notes about fields // maybe there’s grass there // my love language is a writing prompt

Elizabeth Hassler
The Operating System & Liminal Lab
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

When considering field notes, when or how big or what texture is the field?

the field is my mouth, the time is years ago tomorrow today a quarter-hour slice of skin / and how are you and who are we and what will we do when have we done, here? how does it bounce? when you wanted cake, cake abandoned you because you had the wrong body, or capitalism asked it to, or gravity called upon it: (you were so fat you) (were so fat you) (so fat you) (fat you) (you) shook; encountered incubation; incubated, arrivaled, married wide scream

Write a piece that observes a field. How do you tell about what you haven’t said yet? How do you create an encounter on your own terms? If you don’t, what is the other way like?

a field asks me to be Christina Olson, or
a field knows when I’ve been good enough, and
promised decency is far enough away I’ve never seen it
i want to leave-dye, please:
stay in girlhood / girlhood stain,
yes find a frame find a frame yes
stay right here in a way so i can live wide and wide and wide and wide

abstract dots and blobs captured relating to each other over texture, in a square

