The Optimal Life, It’s Not Perfect, Just Better!

I Hope My Wife Dies First

Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP
The Optimal Life
5 min readFeb 5, 2023


Somebody has to go first. Why not her?

Photo by The Good Funeral Guide on Unsplash

I was born in 1958. My present wife was born in 1965. I say my present wife to clarify and bring up the fact that I was previously married. In any case, we are getting older as are you, it came up in conversation as to which one of us will statistically die first. Sorry to report to all men, it is usually us. Typically, if there is one, the man in a married relationship will kick the bucket first, leaving the surviving spouse to live for usually another seven years. While you may think this is nothing that I want to think about, I’m right there with you, but the fact is we are all going to die.

So, I told my wife that I hoped she would die first. There was a look of horror on her face, to which I replied, please allow me to explain fully. And so goes my explanation which I logically reasoned out emotionally. (Yes, that’s how men do things, we think the feelings.)

If I die first, she is in all likelihood going to be the one who finds my body at home as I’m trusting I’m going to die of old age in my own bed. So there’s that trauma she’ll have to deal with. Next, she’s going to be left with making the funeral arrangement which I’ve kept simple, cremating my body, and scattering the ashes to the wind. Have…



Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP
The Optimal Life

The Optimal Life, It’s Not Perfect, Just Better! I’ve been on a many decade quest to optimize my life in all areas and would love to help you do the same.