The Optimal Life, It’s Not Perfect, Just Better!

My Favorite GTD Quote

Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP
The Optimal Life
3 min readNov 24, 2022


You’ll never get it all done.

Photo by Hugo Rocha on Unsplash

I’ve always looked for a better, more efficient way to do everything all my life. That lead me to read and listen to plenty of self-help and productivity information. I still listen to productivity podcasts and follow many of David Allen’s principles of Getting Things Done (GTD). Most arguments against the GTD principles have to do with priority, something Allen never addressed, which I don’t think was his intention. And yes, I’ve read the counterarguments for those who don’t like the David Allen GTD ways, and there is some validity. But read more about GTD; if you search, you’ll undoubtedly find plenty of counterarguments.

You can do anything but you can’t do everything

— David Allen

If there is one thing you need to learn from David Allen’s (GTD) Getting Things Done principles, it’s that you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. Now I know some people are going to say that it’s the anything that they have a challenge with, and I can relate to that. Figuring out priorities is a different and more complicated issue than being organized and getting things done. While many people fault David Allen for not considering priorities I view his purpose in writing the book Getting Things Done as…



Stephen J. Lalla, LMNOP
The Optimal Life

The Optimal Life, It’s Not Perfect, Just Better! I’ve been on a many decade quest to optimize my life in all areas and would love to help you do the same.