The Optimist Times — Issue #2

June 26th — July 2nd

Alex Meyer
The Optimist Times
3 min readJul 3, 2017


The Optimist Times is a new kind of front page news. Instead of showing stories that exploit our fears, the stories found here inspire, amaze, and awe. We live in the most spectacular time in history and The Optimist Times intends to highlight this. If you would like to get every issue in your inbox each week you can sign up here. Thanks for reading!

Happy Monday and Happy July 4th to all US readers! What better way to celebrate a holiday then reading about all the amazing things going on in the world today? Let’s get to it!

Good News, Despite What You’ve Heard

The New York Times — 4 min read

Well, it’s only Issue #2 but this Nick Kristof article echos the entire point of The Optimist Times. In it, he gives more examples of why we should be optimistic about the world as it stands. The last paragraph is spot on, but I won’t spoil it for you here. Do give it a read.
Read it here

Put Down the IPhone and Appreciate Its Genius

Bloomberg — 4 min read

This story is an ode to the iPhone, which recently had its 10th year anniversary. It’s amazing how much this little device has changed our lives.
Read it here

U.S. Malaria Donations Saved Almost 2 Million African Children

The New York Times — 3 min read

It was found that over the last decade, the President’s Malaria Initiative, a program started by President George W. Bush in 2005 to fight malaria in Africa, has saved almost two million children.
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Instagram Unleashes a Smart Algorithm to Blast Away Nasty Comments

Wired — 6 min read

Internet comment sections can be the most awful places in the world but Instagram is trying to make it a better place by utilizing Facebook’s latest AI tool. I thought the part about how they are going to prevent users from gaming the system was quite smart.
Read it here

Ump John Tumpane kept woman from jumping off Roberto Clemente Bridge

ESPN — 3 min read

A major league baseball umpire saved a woman’s life by coaxing her off the edge of the Roberto Clemente bridge in Pittsburgh on the way to the ballpark. Umpires may not always be able to see balls and strikes spot on but in this particular instance, this ump was flawless.
Read it here

The Future of Coal Country

The New Yorker — 29 min read

Long read on a woman’s push to help a community that has relied on coal mining for jobs transition to a new economy.
Read it here

How a ‘Hamilton’ Super Fan Got Cast in the Broadway Show

The New York Times — 4 min read

Great story about a guy who was a fan of the hit Broadway show ‘Hamilton’ and worked his way into the cast.
Read it here

Greetings, E.T. (Please Don’t Murder Us.)

Times Magazine — 34 min read

Mark this story as one where we’ll find out whether or not it contains positive news in another thousand years. But it’s an interesting article that explores the various projects getting started around sending messages out into space in hopes of finding other intelligent life forms. The optimistic take of this story is that it’s really hard to get people to work on projects that have long time horizons and this one has a really, really long time horizon.
Read it here

This Cambridge man wielded a mop while getting his master’s

The Boston Globe — 4 min read

A story about a guy who worked as a custodian while getting his master’s degree at Lesley. Perseverance is powerful.
Read it here

Can’t Find a Public Bathroom in NYC? Hail This Toilet Van

NBC — 1 min read/watch

This is a fun one. Uber for going to the bathroom. I can think of a number of times this would have been quite handy.
Read it here

Come across any inspiring stories this week? Please pass them along to me and I will try including them in next week’s issue.

Thanks for reading!

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