From Ancient Greece to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Oracle of Delphi
The Oracle of Delphi
2 min readOct 22, 2019

In Ancient Greece, no major decision was made without consulting the Oracle of Delphi. From the lowliest peasants to dignitaries, leaders and kings, everybody traveled to Delphi for a chance to ask Pythia, the oracle, a question. The soul purpose of the Oracle of Delphi was to share a glimpse of the future, being filled by the spirits of gods. The link between two worlds. For thousands of years, the Oracle of Delphi was the single most influential political and social figure in the ancient world.

Today, at the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution, oracles are again at the center of attention. Distributed ledger technology suffers from what it is called the “oracle problem”. The most debated shortcoming of decentralized systems, stems from the inability of digital agreements (smart contracts) to interact with external data feeds, or other resources that run outside of the network in which the agreements are executed.

The solution is Chainlink, a secure blockchain middle-ware. Chainlink acts as a decentralized oracle infrastructure, with the core functional objective being to bridge the on-chain and off-chain world using APIs. It does this by taking on-chain resources, such as blockchain networks (Ethereum, Hyperledger etc), and connecting them securely via APIs to off-chain resources, such as market, financial or legal data, events, back-end systems, other blockchains, or any other web API available.

To provide a fully decentralized oracle network, Chainlink depends on independent node operators to host oracle nodes. Node operators extract data from off-chain API data feeds and convert it into blockchain compatible formats to trigger smart contracts. The larger the network grows, the more decentralized and secure it becomes. Chainlink cannot be centrally controlled by a bank, corporation, or government.

The Oracle of Delphi is part of Chainlink’s decentralized oracle network. From native support of Threshold Signatures and Mixicles to building adapters for the Trusted Computation Framework and exclusive data feeds, the Oracle of Delphi is again the bridge between worlds. The missing link. We, the people behind the Oracle of Delphi are a close-knitted team of early adopters, engineers, and investors. We combine professional experience with a passion for permissionless, censorship resistant and antifragile decentralization. Our vision is to accelerate the disruption of centralized trust systems. We are seekers of light. We are bringing the Oracle of Delphi back into the digital world. This is just the beginning.

Καλώς Ήλθατε

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