5 Aesthetically Pleasing Organization Ideas

To help you lead a more organized life in 2023…

Bethany Dawson
The Orange Journal
Published in
5 min readJan 5, 2023


A photo of clothes ranging from red to yellow hanging from hangars.
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Organization is some people’s passion, and for others it can be a task that’s dreaded or avoided altogether. I’m somewhere in the middle, I enjoy the finished product of organizing my things but I tend to put off the actually doing it part.

But no matter how you feel about it, organization has a lot of benefits. You’re less likely to lose your things, it boosts productivity, and in most cases it looks nicer. The exceptions to this rule in my opinion are the boring plastic bins with labels that store things but don’t add much decoration to a room.

If I’m going to be organized then I want it to look beautiful as well, because that will motivate me to keep everything in its place. Which is why I’m going to be talking about five visually pleasing organizing ideas today!

#1 - Get Some Drawer Dividers

Stashing something away where it’s no longer visible isn’t exactly the same as being organized. And is there anything less appealing than opening a messy drawer? As the owner of many catch-all drawers… I can verify that it’s not.

So a way to get more organized and spruce up your lackluster drawers at the same time is to buy some drawer dividers or mini…



Bethany Dawson
The Orange Journal

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