7 Practical Reasons Living by the Law of Attraction Will Make You a Badass at Life

Even if you don’t fully believe in it

Emilie Pelletier
The Orange Journal
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2023


A girl thinking of her future and perhaps imagining how the Law of Attraction will impact her life.
Photo by Sandsun on Envato Elements

People often make fun of the law of attraction, calling it ‘woo-woo.’

But here’s the thing: followers of this law are often more skilled at life than most people.

And there are numerous, very down-to-earth reasons for that.

Living by the premise of this universal law — which stipulates that “like attracts like” — is a powerful personal and spiritual growth practice (and a fun one!).

If you choose to make this law your compass for how you live your life, your health, relationships, success, and overall happiness will transform for the better. You’ll likely notice a difference in just 30 days.

You’ll understand why in just a minute.

Before we get into the seven practical reasons why living by the law of attraction will make you a badass at life, I think it’s appropriate to give a quick explanation of the law.

The Law of Attraction: A Quick Explanation

Abraham Hicks — one of the most famous teachers of the law of attraction — defines the law as “That which is like unto itself, is drawn” (or “like attracts like”). We’re talking about energy, frequency, and vibrations.

The premise of this philosophy is that we attract the kind of energy we emanate.

What I call “law of attraction practitioners” are those who use this law intentionally to their advantage to enjoy better lives.

That being said, here’s why living by this law can be beneficial.

1. Developing an Internal Locus of Control

Again, practitioners of the law of attraction believe they create their reality based on the energy they emanate. This implies they have an internal locus of control.

A locus of control “refers to the degree to which an individual feels a sense of agency in regard to his or her life.” (Psychology Today)

Someone with an internal locus of control believes they are the creator of their destiny and take responsibility for the outcomes in their life.

On the other hand, someone with an external locus of control believes that life happens to them rather than them actively playing a part in controlling any of it.

They likely feel lucky when something good happens or feel like a victim when they experience something undesirable.

It may be no surprise that research shows that people with a more internal locus of control (who have a strong sense of control over their lives) are generally healthier, happier, and more successful than those with a more external locus of control.

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2. Building High Self-Efficacy

Since practitioners of the law of attraction believe they are the creators of their realities, they also develop high self-efficacy — a belief in their ability to accomplish tasks and attain their objectives.

Research shows that people with strong self-efficacy have higher self-esteem. They also tend to be more resilient and have a growth mindset, all of which make them more likely to reach their goals.

In fact, people with low self-efficacy may not even dare to pursue their dreams. After all, why would they if they don’t think they can achieve them?

3. Enhancing Self-Awareness

Also, because practitioners of the law of attraction believe their thoughts and feelings create their reality, they pay close attention to what they think and how they feel.

They don’t allow themselves to be consumed by negative thoughts and feelings for too long because that would impair their creations.

They are skilled at catching a negative thought (i.e., their inner critic at play) and stopping it on its track before it builds momentum.

Doing this requires a great deal of self-awareness, which is fundamental for personal and spiritual growth as well as making lifestyle changes.

Whenever you want to break a bad habit, for example, you must have enough self-awareness to catch yourself before doing the unwanted behavior.

4. Shifting Limiting Beliefs into More Empowering Ones

Again, the law of attraction stipulates that the energy we send out through our thoughts and feelings is responsible for attracting experiences of a similar frequency.

It is believed that our subconscious programming largely determines the kinds of thoughts we have and that our thoughts then lead to feelings (and the energy we emanate).

Practitioners of the law of attraction are well aware of this and make a constant effort to identify and weaken the beliefs that impair their manifestation efforts while implanting new, more empowering beliefs that support their vision.

Belief shifting is essential for anyone striving to reach their full potential because, as Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, says:

When you are struggling to accomplish something — whether it’s love or relationships or whatever it is — it represents a simple fact: your subconscious programming doesn’t support that conclusion.

5. Being a Happier and More Fun Person to Be Around

Because the law of attraction states that we create our reality based on how we feel, conscious creators know the importance of feeling good.

Abraham Hicks says:

Your point of attraction is how you feel. . . . You cannot have a happy ending to a miserable journey. . . . Be deeply satisfied and eager for more.

Practitioners of the law of attraction may have an exciting vision in mind, but they also make sure to enjoy the journey.

They often practice gratitude and do whatever else they can to cultivate a positive mindset, which makes them happier and more fun people to be around.

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6. Practicing Future-Focused Positive Thinking

The ability to imagine the future is called “prospection.” Future-focused positive thinking basically means “positive prospection” or imagining a positive future.

It’s something that practitioners of the law of attraction do all the time; they constantly imagine the positive outcomes they desire because they believe doing so will help manifest those outcomes faster.

One reason is that the subconscious mind doesn’t differentiate something real from something vividly imagined.

You can trick your mind into believing you’ve already done it by imagining an outcome and feeling as if it’s already happening.

As a result, you stop doubting it’s possible for you to attain that goal and experience less inner resistance (i.e., fear, insecurity, etc.). By increasing self-belief, you naturally develop higher self-efficacy.

Plus, future prospection also helps to cultivate a more optimistic attitude, which increases resilience and happiness and reduces depression.

7. Cultivating Self-Worth

In a recent interview on The School of Greatness Podcast, Dr. Bruce Lipton stated that the number one thing that prevents people from living the life of their dreams is that they don’t love themselves (or don’t love themselves enough).

We rarely go after our dreams when we feel unworthy of our desires. Or, if we do, we may sabotage ourselves because we believe (even unconsciously) that we don’t deserve to be happy.

Practitioners of the law of attraction know they must feel worthy of what they desire to be able to manifest it in their reality, and they do the inner work necessary to increase their self-love and self-worth.

Overall, living by the law of attraction Is a profound personal and spiritual growth practice.

Whether we fully believe in the law of attraction or are skeptical, we can’t deny the numerous life-changing benefits of living by its premise. Living our daily lives with this law in mind is a complete personal and spiritual growth practice — and a fun one!

. . .

Ready to try this for yourself? Learn 5 effortless ways to incorporate the law of attraction into your morning routine (and reach your goals faster).


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Emilie Pelletier
The Orange Journal

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