Addendum to Formatting Guidelines for The Orange Journal Writers

You need to know this.

Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2022


Formatting guidelines TOJ
Sourced from Unsplash

Updated May 19th, 2022

Hi writer! Thanks for being a piece of The Orange Journal community. We are currently at 2.3k followers and growing by the day. It’s all thanks to your consistent writing!

I created this addendum because the number one issue I am having as an editor is writers not reading the formatting guidelines, even though I keep pleading and including the link with a welcome message.

As the pub continues to grow, it’s getting harder for me to maintain a consistent schedule. This is because I need to ask almost every new person to adjust something I already mentioned in the thorough guidelines.

It’s frustrating and makes my job as an editor less fun.

Most importantly, it means your piece won’t get published as fast as it could because of the back and forth edits.

There have been a handful of pieces I didn’t read nor accept because the formatting at first glance was just horrendous.

I am always trying to learn and improve myself, so I have asked many writers this question.

“Can you provide feedback on why the subtitle guidelines were unclear? It will help me improve them for clarity…”



Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉