And Then Life Happens

Having to make life choices for Dad

Anne Scherliess
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2023


My Dad after coming out of hospital
photocredit: Anne Scherliess

I found Dad out of his mind.

He didn’t see me even though I was standing right in front of him. He tried to take off shoes he wasn’t wearing, didn’t recognize his own dog, couldn’t talk. But cursing was still possible and that he did. Until I helped him to lie down and sleep.

I put his phone next to the bed and went home to consult with my boyfriend. I called my sisters. One said it might be better to do nothing cause Dad wouldn’t want any doctors involved. The other said we had to act now.

I knew that any interference from doctors would be against Dad’s will, but he was completely out of his mind, and I feared he had had a stroke.

If you act quickly on a stroke, normality might be reinstalled.

So I called the emergency medical services and went back to Dad to gently guide him through what was to come.

But there was no way.

His mind was gone.

He didn’t know who the strange men in his bedroom were or why they were trying to hold his hands or put wraps around his arms to measure his blood pressure.



Anne Scherliess
The Orange Journal

I am a professional actress, sister, daughter, girlfriend, booklover, dogmum, catmum and aspiring writer