Are You Hesitant to Face Your Own Inner Evil?

Most humans struggle to face the reality of evil within and in others

Psych Kush
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2023


Photo by Hannah Troupe on Unsplash

Confronting your own evil can get pretty spooky.

Are you woman enough, or man enough, to face that dark abyss?

Most people aren’t.

So, props to you if you’ve ever really thought deeply about the complex layers and manifestations of the darkest parts of yourself.

It’s an occasionally terrifying journey. So why do it?

I’ll tell you why.

Something really powerful, even magical, lies dormant on the other side.

Dormant, but ready to spring awake, growling and snapping, eyes aglow.

Do you dare?

It’s a risk to dare, but it’s a bigger risk not to.

After all, failing to recognize evil can have truly disastrous effects.

Those that turn blind eyes actually allow great evil to occur, all around them, even within them.

They may even become so warped that they believe goodness is the actual evil, and evil the actual good.

I saw this for myself during the tyrannical abuses that occurred during the 2020 pandemic lockdowns both domestically…

