Clear the Clutter, Make Room For Greatness

Transformations while writing online

Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2022


Clear the Clutter, Make Room For Greatness
Photo by Author

When you want something really bad, it doesn’t happen.

It isn’t until you truly let go that everything falls into place.

Isn’t that funny?

When you are obsessed with an outcome, and on the verge of desperation out of necessity…

it seems that your honest efforts go unnoticed.

Or to waste. Or amount to nothing more than a pat on the back in the grand scheme of things.

Writing online takes a lot of courage

You need to understand what you’re doing, take criticism, and fail a lot.

Like more than the average person can take without questioning their purpose, sense of worth, and self-image.

Mental deterioration is not uncommon at the wrath of internet success stories that are being shoved in your face every second.

A new coach pops up in paid advertising in every nook and cranny, promising millions if you just work harder.

Guess what?

Success doesn’t rely on working harder.

Is your biggest enemy surpassing a devilish mindset hell-bent over perfectionism?



Susie Pinon
The Orange Journal

If I’m not typing, I’m at the beach, eating chocolate, yoga-ing, or watching my soaps. Here to help you grow into your best self without making it hurt.😉